i havent used flash since flash 8. i now have cs4 and i’m working on a new project. i’m having problems with controlling the timeline.
i have a movie clip on a frame and a stop action on a different layer of the timeline but same frame. then i went inside that mc and made my animation, on the last keyframe i wanted to add the “gotoAndStop” action and have it go to a frame label on my main timeline. i used to be able to do gotoAndStop(at frame or label) and type in my frame label name, but now we have to use the gotoAndStop(Scene, Label).
ok anyways, its not working. i’m using scene 1 and the correct label name but it’s just playing the imbedded mc animation over and over instead of going back to the main timeline and stopping at said label.
probably a very stupid mistake, but, its been a while. thanks for the help