Need help /w shape motion tween

Hi everybody,
I wanted to know if it was possible that the first picture become the second one … I tried to use the little shape tween but it’s not working … anyone knows ???



shape tween didn’t work? that sucks. Did you try to throw in some shape hints?

If you really want it done what you could do is make a white shape in the shape of what you want to cut out and then just have the white shape come down onto your picture covering up that part you wanted to shape tween out.

i think i didn’t explain myself very clearly … i want it to change the way like this one :

sure, break the image apart.


Francky683, what didn’t you like about the way it shape tweened it? Or, did the shape tween just not work?

just make a shape tween and use it as a mask

Have you tried tracing the bitmap, then tweening it ?

sry all those posts were poste when i was sleeping … it’s NOT working at all … i tried to follow AEvison’s tutorial but it didn’t work … is there any other tuto or can anyone explain me plz?



Now that I think of it … You can place a mask above the image, and then shape tween the mask :slight_smile:

hum … it there any other way to do it … because I made a mistake i would want that the second pic become the first one … :h: anyone?

if not is there a way to make a mask that makes a part of the picture invisible? and with that mask thing do I need to edit it picture by picture ???

anyone ??? :frowning:

nvm I found it ny myself :wink:

I think, for example, you put an image on the first frame and then put another image on the 5th frame and you put shape tween between them and that just didnt work?

If it is like that and you learned how to do it, tell me.

yep i did that … i just didn’t read Voetsjoeba’s first post … :wink: