Need help with buttons and events

Ok, separate from my menu question, I have seen instruction on event listeners to get a button to go to a URL or to make a movie pause and whatnot, but what I’m not finding is instruction on how to write the AS3 for a button that simply moves you to a new page within the site itself.

Does anyone have a tutorial on this type of script?

Also, if it’s a “goto” script, the page that I want it to go to, does that have to be a new scene? If so, how do I merge two scenes together?

Essentially, you can look here for what I am trying to accomplish…

What we want to happen is when let’s say the direct marketing button is clicked, we want the other buttons to slide offscreen the way they slid on screen and then a new set of buttons pertaining to the direct marketing will appear at the bottom the way the original buttons appeared at the beginning.

Do I need to make these buttons sliding away and a new set of buttons sliding in on a new scene? How do I link the scenes together?

By trying to create and merge scenes am I making this more difficult than it has to be? I’m great with HTML…newbie to Flash.

Thanks for the help!