Need help with loadmovie stuff

okay, just quickly, can you load a movie so that it will appear in a certain location (center of the screen) and at a certain size (say 400x400)

cause i’ve got this website and i can get it to load the animation i want it to load, but it loads it always in the upper left hand corner, and at the incorrect size. (meaning it shows all the stuff that would usually be hidden when viewing said movie by itself)

anyways, help would be appreciated.

Well you can use a mask, or make the loading movieclip to be 400x400. And, yes you can control where you want it to load. Just make an empty movieclip, and stick the preloading code there. The movie will then load (the top left hand corner will be the registration point).

can you be a little more specific there? i’ve got a blank movie clip in my main timeline where the external swf’s load. but it won’t let me adjust it’s size. where would i put a mask so that it hides the extra garbage attatched to that external swf, but doesn’t hide all the other stuff that i want people to see? and what code do i need to attatch to the movie clip to say where it is going to load?

Yea you don’t adjust the size of the blank movie clip. Just leave that as is. I forgot to mention, you need TWO blanks movieclips. One of them calls the preloader, while the other actually loads it.

And you would then mask the blank movieclip, but don’t do that until you see everything is working fine. Leave this last…

And for the code, you would put your preloader code. You might have to adjust it a bit.

Basically, you are doing this:

without the transition though…

okay, that just seemed to confuse me more.

all i want to do is use my load movie command…

on (release) {

to load that flash movie, which expresslanecontent.swf is a movie with scenes and audio soundtrack, etc, etc…in the center of my webpage…

but i want it to only display at 400x400 (the size it was exported at) so that you can’t see the symbols that are off to the sides during certain scenes.

how do i tell it to load it centered, and how do i tell it to be that size… i’m using the codes with that tutorial, and nothing is happening…which is kind of in the opposite direction of where i wanted to go…

originally the movie would load, but always in the upper left, always showing the floating symbols outside of the original document size

Yea i thoguht that would happen :-\ I’m sure there is another way, since this is the only way i know, and i usually do it with transitions. Maybe try a search. I know there is a way similiar to what you started off with, but never done it so don’t know how. There are lots of preloader threads in the flash MX and AS sections, try those…