Need help with multiple preloaders

I have a preloader for my main movie and it works fine. However, it calls on other movie files to be shown inside the root movie. For some reason I can’t get each section to have its own preloader. I’m using the same script, so I’m guessing its a variable conflict. Any suggestion on how to do this?

Are you targeting your movies that are being loaded, not the root timeline you have to change your code accordingly. Post your code it will be easier to help.

Hope this helps


When you say you can’t get each section’s preloader to work - can you be more specific. Can you post the fla?

This is the code on the button used to activate the movie:

on (release){
_root.clamp6.gotoAndPlay (“clamp6resume”);
_root.powershot.gotoAndPlay (“mainselect”);
_root.content.gotoAndPlay (“tmil2”);
loadMovie(“tenchitmil2.swf”, “_root.content.gallerymovie”);

the tenchitmil2.swf loads into a blank movie clip called gallerymovie.

The preloader code is this:

loadedkbytes=Math.ceil (loadedbytes/1024);
if (loadedbytes == totalbytes) {
frame = int(loadedbytes/(totalbytes/100));
tellTarget (_root.loader) {
gotoAndStop (_root.frame);

Its a 4 frame preloader. I know I have some useless code in there. Its public domain code I borrowed and modified to fit (gotta learn somehow) It works fine when the initial movie loads. However; any movies loaded “into” the black movie clip won’t play the preloader even if set up identically. I’m thinking its a variable conflict…but don’t quite have the skill to debug it just yet.

The movie as it stands is here:

When you use the same variable names in each movie, using _root as far as I know, will cause the variables from the main time line - of the first movie - I think that could be a problem.

This is a quick post I’ll have a closer look later - unless someone else already does it.


I have a main movie with buttons that on release load up various .swf files. The largest swf file to load also has a preloader on it that I picked up off of a tutorial at kirupa (percentage preloader).

Now…my main movie does have some animation and I will need to add a preloader to this. There is always conflict between preloaders, it’ s either one or the other. I have tried other forms of preloaders, even on a different scene and it is an all no go. I’m lost on this, but of course there is a way to load main movie with a preloader and then multiple movies into that main each with there own preloader. How? I would like to know how both with and without a preload animation or %.

Also on an unrelated note I noticed after I finished with all my load movie actions and added buttons and what not that I get this message when attempting preview to the effect that my movie contains that which is not supported in Flash 5 (but of course no problem with Flash 6). I do not think I was using any newer code. I have no idea what in my movie will not work in FLash 5 Player. If my loaded swf’s are FLash 6 and I load them into a main movie and publish Flash 5 could that be it?
I am using Flash Mx as my program.

Thank you for any assistance.