Preloader Question

Ok this is kinda hard to explain but here goes

I have one 4 seperate movies all with a preloader.
The opening movie preloads with percentage and all and gives the user the choice of the other 3 movies. Once the user chooses one of these IT SHOULD preload the movie showing percentage just like in the first one, BUT it doesnt, and neither do the other two.

Does any have any idea why the other preloader wont work!!!???

What code did you use for each preloader ?

Im attaching a file with just the preloader, the movie is quite big

Is this the main movie or one of the three submovies ?

I took a look at your preloader and saw that there was a play action at the last frame. And your preloader code tells flash to got and play that frame when loaded. So what you have is an infinite first frame - last frame loop.

Oh and by the way, the frames between the two first frames and the loaded frame won’t be played, since your preloader tells Flash to go to the last frame (with the label “loaded”) when fully loaded, so it will jump there and stop. If you want the frames in between also played, change

if (_root.getBytesLoaded()>=_root.getBytesTotal()) {
if (_root.getBytesLoaded()>=_root.getBytesTotal()) {

Forgot the FLA …

Ok, i see whats happening.

I’ll give that a try and see what happens.

OK, thats not excatly my problem!!

The preloader works, but only for the opening movie.
It doesnt work for the remaining three movies if one of them is chosen.

Im uploading the files to:

look for jacket.swf, thats the starting one the other three are the option available to the user.

The preloaders work fine for me …

Ok, cool

But they wont work here:

click the “click here to begin” link.
the first one will preload but the others dont!!

You’re right … well I’d have to see the entire FLA setup.

im uploading it right now.


You edited the link before I could download it :stuck_out_tongue: PM the link to me, that’ll be easier.

wo…hold on a sec.

my files are too big to upload to the geocities account
let me find another place to put them

opss sorry bout that

ok, im uploading *.rar files, hope you can unzip those??

link is

look for the rar files

There are no RAR files … please ZIP’em instead of RAR.

im still uploading them. I have a ****ty dial up connection

chekc back in like 30 min, hopefully

ok…files are up

check the zip files.

You made the same error, putting a play() action at the last frame. That will cause Flash to go into an infinite loop. Replace it with stop(), that should do it. I couldn’t view all your FLA’s because for some reason, all the others crashed Flash :frowning:

but i thought i need the play at the end of the preloader to move to the next scene!!

It cant be an infinte loop cause it will go the frame labeled Laoded only if getbytesloaded >= getsbytestotal right??