I just graduated and got some money to spend. And I want to put down about 450-550USD on a camera :).
The camera will mostly be used to take pictures of dogs, nature, and various stuff like that. I was thinking of getting a EOS 350D, but I have no idea on what optics to get :S. And I don’t know much about cameras in general so I don’t even know if getting an EOS is a good idea :P.
Basically what I want from the camera is able to take ‘action pictures’, fast moving things without getting motion blur(thats, low shutter speed?). Take series of pictures, like 5 pictures in 1-2 seconds. And then just some nature pictures like lakes and forrests.
I don’t know much about cameras so please do explain in detail if theres something I should know about something particular. I haven’t taken much photos before either, I’ve just always wanted to start.