Need Help :(

hi i wanted to make something like this …if you go to >> FLa Files >> Navigation and Interface >> Magnetic menu… like whn you click on that button and that menu comes out from the site i want to learn how to make that… and i wanted to know if anyone can teach me or tell me step by step… and im still kinda of new to flash but i am willing to learn thanks for your help :smirk:

do you mean the magnetic menu file thing? so like you can click on one of the 4 buttons and then the square box slides out?

you can animate the box coming out and then use the on release function so it would be like

err i forgot howta do it but someone will figure out or i’ll remember in a sec heh

ah ok i remember now,

use this code on the button

on (release) {
	_root.doh.gotoAndPlay ("blah")

doh is the instance of the moving box and blah is the frame label. heres an fla, this better be what you’re lookin for heh :slight_smile:

Hmmm… i still dont get it…cause i have a button made called “home” and i want to make it so when i click “home” the box comes out from the side and i want to also make it when i click on cose box it slides out to the side but when i cick on "contact i want it to come out again

okay i made it so when u enter my site the “window box” is already there but when i “press” the “close window” it slides out but how do i make so when i “click” on my “home” button it makes the “window box” come back out…please help me

sorry this is all very confusing, can you post your fla plz :slight_smile:

okay i attached the file… now here is my problem …

  1. Im gonna have different catagories for my site like “Home, Biography, Contact, Download, and Pictures” … and the thing is i want to have each of those subject to have there own window but i just cant figure out how to do that…so can someone maybe fix it for me and upload it back or can someone just teach me how to fix it i need your help thank you

well i thinik you can use the duplicateMovieClip function to do that if i’m right about what you want to do. check the actionscript dictionary about it, as well as attachmovie.

or the easiest way, would be make a new window for all, so like you can have a contact window, a home window and whatever other category you’re gonna be usin.

so how do i do that… like make new windows for like "home, bio and stuff im sorry for all these questions im just new

ok wait, lemme get things straight cause i’m confused. when you say a new ‘window’, do you mean the grey/black window you made (cause you gave that an instance called ‘window’), or do you mean a totally new popup, like the internet explorer ones or something?!

if your’e talking about the window you made, you can just copy and past the window graphic thing, type in some new text, tween it and give it a new frame label. then use the same code you did before, except changing the frame label name. is that what you meant?

and its ok about asking questions, i asked much much more and they were dumber too :slight_smile:

im talking about the grey and white box thing :stuck_out_tongue: but after i duplicate it i dont know wat else to do … :frowning:

i don’t think you should duplicate it actually, its gonna be verrry complicated. for me atleast, if you wanna do that, you gotta wait for senocular or somethin :frowning: but i can help you with the easy way if you’d like :stuck_out_tongue:

the AS way is obviously better, but its all up to you :slight_smile:

wats the easy way please tell me :slight_smile:

the easy way was make a new window for each :slight_smile: i said above howta do it, its basically just the same :slight_smile:

lol thats the thing i dont know how i just know the simple basic stuff what do you mean make new window for each… because i made my buttons all under one layer

ok i’m gonna do an example for you and you tel lme if its what you want to do alrite because this is confusing. just wait a while :slight_smile:

here, i jsut realized you said white and grey box though, not black and grey so i think this one isn’t what you wanted :-/

if its not you’ll havta explain to me what window you’rre talking about :slight_smile:

yeah i want exactly like that :slight_smile: but then u know the red box i want the word “bio” to do that but i dont know how :frowning:

is the word ‘bio’ a symbol yet? if not convert it to one (f8).

then copy paste the code in the red box into there!

how did you do that…?? you are really gooood :slight_smile: