Help needed! please critique the ****e out of this

Hey all this is my first post on this forum so hey!!

I am doing a site for a band called facelessgray and im really stuck on something.

I really dont like the layout that i have now but i think it has a lot of ptoential…I was jus wondering if anyone had some ideas…

I really think it just needs mroe detail or osmething i dunno i just want your opinions.

also the table on the left (where it has home etc) i really dont like at all and im thinking of changing where it says recent headlines and just do something on the top anyway all ideas are appreciated, im trying ot make this site really good and im not there yet so please help

there is 2:

I really appreciate your help sooo much your doing me a great favor by helping me


I think the second one has more potential. I like the jagged edges. Stick with that ‘theme’. I don’t like the white bar that goes down the side though. I’d make the buttons for the nav some really ‘dirty/rough’ font. check out for some ideas.

i would use the stuff you have in number one (the news thing-at a higher frame rate, and the buttons) only i would use it with the 2 second colour scheme. and make the buttons have a jagged outline too like the divider

I like number 2 better! Love the contrast between black and red…and its for hardcore band…so there u have it red!

good start…I hope I will see the progress soon!

Well i just ended up scrapping it cause i got so fed up and made this…feedback very much appreciated and thanks for those who have already posted
