thank you so much everything worked great except now i have another problem:
well I have a main movie.swf with some buttons only. when i click on button1 it opens external.swf and if I click on button2 it opens and replaces externalmovie2.swf so if I click on button 3 which loads externalcontact.swf and inside that externalcontact.swf there is a button you helped me to do, and this button doesn’t open a little pop up window the one you helped me to create. but when i test that externalcontact.swf it works fine but when i load that externalcontact.swf into my main site it doesn’t work at all.
well I changed _root to _parent and for some reason it didn’t work but then I changed back to _root it works fine except when i load that movie into another movie it doesn’t work either,
here is what I am working on
I am buiding a web site in Flash MX, I have five external swf’s and one main swf which is called “navigation.swf” so when i load email.swf(the one you just helped me with) into navigation.swf and it doesn’t work
but then when i test email.swf in Flash MX it works just fine
Well dude… I mentioned everything I could think of. Check the attachment, it has all the files I used. The file that uses loadMovie() is called loadContainer.
There is only one thing I can think of now… are you using loadMovie() or loadMovieNum? If is is loadMovieNum, then change the _parent on the button to open it to _level# (where # is the # of the level you are loading the movie to).