Need serious help

hey guys

here is the issue I am having:

I have a button in my main movie and after it is pressed i want for it to open a pop up window right next to this button with some information in it.

I have a email button so when you click on that button I want another window to open right next to this email button with my email address.

do you think its possible in F MX

thanks everybody

Create your window. Turn it into a movie clip symbol. Give it the instance name “eMail” (no quotes).

Double click it to edit it.

Click and drag the first frame so it is in Frame 2.

Put a stop() action on frame 1 and on frame 2.

On your button add these actions…

on (release) {

Then if you want to close it you can add a button inside your clip that has an x or something and use these actions on that…

on (release){

thank you so much everything worked great except now i have another problem:

well I have a main movie.swf with some buttons only. when i click on button1 it opens external.swf and if I click on button2 it opens and replaces externalmovie2.swf so if I click on button 3 which loads externalcontact.swf and inside that externalcontact.swf there is a button you helped me to do, and this button doesn’t open a little pop up window the one you helped me to create. but when i test that externalcontact.swf it works fine but when i load that externalcontact.swf into my main site it doesn’t work at all.

My mistake in the code above… change _root to _parent.

I meant to have both as _parent.

PS: Why do you e-mail me with your reply every time you reply? I get an e-mail automatically from the forum when you reply anyways.

[edit] fixed code above[/edit]

sorry about that replay thing I wasn’t sure you get emails from forum
Thanks for helping me it works really well

No problem, I am glad I could help :slight_smile:

well I changed _root to _parent and for some reason it didn’t work but then I changed back to _root it works fine except when i load that movie into another movie it doesn’t work either,
here is what I am working on

I am buiding a web site in Flash MX, I have five external swf’s and one main swf which is called “navigation.swf” so when i load email.swf(the one you just helped me with) into navigation.swf and it doesn’t work

but then when i test email.swf in Flash MX it works just fine

When you changed it to _parent, did it work when you loaded it in?

nope it didn’t

on (release) {

to open the menu and

on (release) {

to close it.

It works great for me. Are you sure your instance names are correct?

Why it’s not working for this SWF works fine when I open it separate but when I incorporate it into another movie it freaks out

Maybe there is something to do with my main movie buttons they also load other swf’s as _parent

my each button has this code:

on (release) {
and so on

Did you remember to save and publish your new .swf file?

yes i did

Well dude… I mentioned everything I could think of. Check the attachment, it has all the files I used. The file that uses loadMovie() is called loadContainer.

There is only one thing I can think of now… are you using loadMovie() or loadMovieNum? If is is loadMovieNum, then change the _parent on the button to open it to _level# (where # is the # of the level you are loading the movie to).

Note: Requires MX to open.

Nope, doesn’t work. I have to go really soon and I might not be on for two days so can you rush with the .flas?

I don’t want to rush you, but I have to…lol.

I can’t upload Fla’s since my fla’s are a little too big even after i cleaned library

did you get any ideas

No clue man. Everything I thought might be wrong was stated before.

Are you using loadMovie() or loadMovieNum()?

u see what Im saying man

i know man it;s kinda late i will try to catch u in a couple of days

thanks for helping

load MOvie()

Oh ok. Because if it was loadMovieNum() it would have given us the option of changing it to _leve# instead of _parent.

But nope, that option is out now and now I am out of options altogether.

Goodnight man. Sorry I couldn’t help more with your problem, but I have to be up in like 4 hours :beam:…lol.