Need some advice

as most of you all know, i have a regular office job, webdesign (for now) is just a hobby when i find the time (which hasn’t been a lot lately) what you probably don’t know, is that i’ve done a 3 month internship last year from april through june. the CEO of the company i was doing my internship also has a huge club, it’s part of one of the 5 biggest clubs in belgium. 3 floors, capacity of about 6000 people. but it’s been closed for about 4 months now, they’re doing some restyling and all that. but today, my “ex-boss” called me. they decided not to go with the website they had, but they want a restyling for that too. so he kinda asked me if i wanted to do that, because he knew i was into webdesign and all that. problem is, the club is re-opening the 29th of january, so he basically wants the website finished by then too. so that’s like 2 or 3 weeks i have, mind that i can only work on it from 7pm till 12pm or so, cause i still have my other job, which i also like at the moment, but i’m not planning on staying there my whole life. my longterm plan is to start my own webdesign company, and this could really be my big breakthrough, because it really has a lot of visitors.

so what should i do? basically stop living for the next 2 or 3 weeks, not going out anymore and all that, so i can get this site finished or should i just pass the job? any advice?