What should i do

or how can I deal with this. One of my best friend started a webdesign company. He is not a designer but more a programmer. Since the beginning i helped him. Now because i went back to school i told him that i will not have any time to design and that may be he should find someone to replace me. I gave him all the informations that i could so he can hire a new designer but he didn’t it. Now I’m stuck with some of his contracts and i have to do the whole work he can’t do. That’s not a big deal but the thing is that most of his clients are really worst. They keep askin to do things and when come time to pay they all disappaer. I’m startin to get pissed i try to tell my friend but he doesn’t do anything and the thing is he keep gettin contract and he doesn’t even ask if i will have time to work on them. I want this situation to stop because i’starting to get frustrated but i don’t want to loose my friend. What should i do? Or what would you do? ( sorry if the text is long i did my best…)