Needing help

As some of you may know I have started getting clients of my own and I’m currently working on some sites.

However I’ve been contacted by a company who want a site, but what they want is quite detailed, quite large and could be a very big money spinner. They have warned me though that they have contacted other companies in the area and the best design and best quote will get the job.

This job will be an ongoing thing, so it will be a constant job with lots of lovely lovely cash and as a result I’m gonna need a hand.

I’ve to get 4 designs done for either this Monday or at the latest next Wednesday and to be honest I’m struggling. I have one and not enough time to do the other 3, mainly because I’m doing other sites for other clients.

This is not a paying job at the moment, however if I do get the contract then there will be a payment of appreciation (£100), trust me :wink: I’ll need someone whos designed sites before and knows how to use either photoshop or something similar. All the site building will be done by me eventually, at the moment I’m just looking for someone to provide a couple of designs that I may tweak.

Once I’ve found somebody to help me I’ll give you more details on the client.

Interested :huh: