working on a design for a company I know but to be honest they’ve made some request changes and I’ve been tinkering and tweaking with this design so much that I feel that I need some fresh input
(the site will be centered)
I’m going to try and add the logo (yes that horrible matchstick man is part of the logo and they AIN’T gonna change it…believe me I tried) to the image, perhaps in a gradient box or something, and the nav is at the clients request to look like that (well block horizontal preferabbly above the image).
Where I’m getting into problems is the content layout and those rectangles behind them.
I was happy with the rectangles but the more and more I look at them, I’m not.
There is a lot of content for the front page but this is being requested by the client so I guess I’m looking for any tips on displaying the content better and maybe the logo and graphic as well.
Any ideas?
(oh by the way the top menu (sitemap thing) is moveable I’m not 100% on it’s location and although the image is changable (I’ve already downloaded some for the site) having an image there is carved in stone)