Nerf Toys Rule

So my roomate comes home yesterday with a nerf basketball hoop and ball. I totally make fun of him for being stupid and buying the friggin thing.

So the night progresses and another buddy comes over. We start tanking beers and the next thing you know we hang the nerf hoop in the living room.

A few shots later we start playing horse for drinks in the living room. It was seriously fun as hell. We stayed up until 2:30AM getting hammerfaced and playing nerf basketball.

Suprisingly I made it into work on time today.

Long story short…get yourself some nerf toys.

Nerf rocks. i used to love their toy guns…i had forgot about them tho…

a good nerf gun battle is the perfect thing to let off stress…

the only problem is, it takes a while to load the things, and only a few seconds to unload them, but gee golly, they are fun…

Oh man, the nerf slam dunk competitions…

*Originally posted by Majeye *
**a good nerf gun battle is the perfect thing to let off stress…

the only problem is, it takes a while to load the things, and only a few seconds to unload them, but gee golly, they are fun… **
:!: Nerf gun battles…

I’m gonna wish I never read that…

runs to Walmart

The nerf bow and arrow was the best nerf toy ever. I should start a page on nerf bow and arrow mods.

Mods I have done to the nerf bow and arrow:
-flaming arrow
-real arrow
-multiple arrows
-exploding tip

*Originally posted by RedMirrorBall *
-exploding tip **

And just how did you pull that one off?

Oh, hehe, easy. I’ve done stuff like that a million times when I was younger :beam:

Just attach a firecracker to a bolt, lit it and quickly shoot it away :stuck_out_tongue:

we had water “shotguns” which had spare clips, and disappearing ink, so you could tell who shot whom…

basically, they would shoot out a blast of water, spread out like a shotgun would shoot (not a stream like the supersoakers), and go about 3-4 yards…

Of course, we would play war games throughout the apt, around the basketball hoop in the corner (we had a 20’ ceiling), the only ‘off limits’ was the TV/Stereo area…

By the end of the war games, our apt would look like a tripping hippy just threw up all over our apt, then within an hour, the color disappeared, and that was left was one very wet apartment.

Luckily, it was quite warm during the summer, so it dried out fairly quickly, but the art on the walls did not survive well…

ah, the fun of my early 30’s…



nerf toys are fun untill someone gets hurt.

it all ends up in tears
remebers the nightmare, again and again in own’s mind

Nerf = the best thing ever