Netscape Browser 8.0 Beta Goes Live

[size=2]Netscape Browser 8.0 Beta Goes Live[/size]
America Online’s Netscape team has opened its doors to the public, releasing the first beta of the revived Netscape Web browser. Based upon Firefox, Netscape version 8 focuses on security and protecting user privacy, and supports rendering with both Mozilla’s Gecko and Microsoft’s Internet Explorer browser engines.

As reported by BetaNews, AOL originally planned for a February beta, but pushed back the release to March citing the need for more time. The company has been polishing the numerous changes and enhancements that were added since the [url=“”]prototype of Netscape 8 last November…

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My opinion: The interface looks way to complicated, The FF interface is soo clean and nice, same as IE. The blue colour is not working for me either at all! It looks horrible! Im not going to download the beta, it just doesnt seem very usefull to me…