My Windows XP computer just spontaneously removed itself from the network – or did something similar. It was working fine, I was on the internet etc, and I left my room for a minute, came back and AIM had disconnected, MSN had disconnected, and I was getting 404 errors everywhere I tried to go. All of the other computers on the network, including this one (sitting right next to it) are still on the network/internet and work fine.
Anyone have any idea what could have caused this or how I could potentially fix it? I tried a reboot – but it didn’t work.
[ot]I just realized that I use a lot of “–” and “()” when I’m writing posts.[/ot]
Start->Run->“cmd” w/o quotes->Dos window comes up->“ipconfig /release” w/o quotes->Enter->Wait until the command line comes up again->“ipconfig /renew” w/o quotes. Try that.
I tried that last night before I went to bed – twice. The first time it said it couldn’t find the DHCP host and the second time it worked, but the network still didn’t. This morning when I woke up my computer worked on the network, I got home and during the day everything had disconnected again, but was already back (could tell because my mail script had a server error and messengers had disconnected).
how many computers are connected to this connection??? and what kind of setup do you have more than 1 pc or is this just 1 pc, i had a similar problem but it was due to my server changing its default gateway number blasted modem
1 - OSX/OS9 Bubble Mac
2 - HP Pavililion
3 - HP Laptop
4- My Dell, the one that’s having problems
5 - Linux Server
6 - Old Laptop connected wirelessly occassionally
I’m only rarely having the problem now though, it’s only happened once in the last 24 hours or so, I think the cleaning helped a bit.