As you all know- I barely know anything about computers…I just got dragged in here awhile ago and have never left!
So, my computer at home- has no interent connection since I installed windows service pack 2. I removed it from my system and my local area connection says enabled but I cant get a connection.
I have tried to repair it but it tells me the operation has failed because my IP wont renew.
I checked it is set in my network connections to change automatically…something that was different was that my dns was set to select automatically??? dont know if that matters
I have unplugged the cable modem plugged it back in, switched ends of the ethernet cable to see if it actually works, did two system restores with different dates those didnt help
I have done the ipconfig /release and I keep getting the same static Ip…it is a 169. something number and when I looked that up…I read something about a dhcp (or dhc or dhp something??) server that would not be working properly if you were getting a 169. ip address.
I tried a few other things that customer service from comcast had me try and nothing worked, once I got the site to come up but then it asked me if I wanted to work offline or try to connect again and I lost the connection
One customer service rep at comcast told me to call windows and see if there is something embedded in the machine from the service pack causing the ip address not to change and another told me that I probably needed a new network card. Both said that they were getting a lot of calls from people who installed service pak 2 and know have connection issues adn both said it wasnt on comcast end.
Anyone have any suggestions??? I cant get any work done from home with out an internet connection and it is keeping me at work really late to finish things I could normally finish at home, never mind keeping up with research etc…for classes at home…HELP :*( I need my home machine working!!! :beam: