New ad for client

What do you all think of this banner?


its called banner :slight_smile: its interesting i think is too fast, and very busy, try making banners on pure colors, with good call to action!

I did over 3000 of them in my life, trust me!

I agree 100%…
It is ironic that you used the word “busy”.
That is exactly the word that my client used when he filled out the request…=)
Savage Innovations WANTS a “busy” banner.
Believe me, it wouldn’t be near as crazy if that weren’t what they wanted.
So hmmm… Thanks anyway, anybody else?

i like, good job, and i have always had a thing for the vertical lines that move around… dunno why, good job,
and I dont think its to busy for the demograph that the add/product is targeted toward

yea I like vertical lines too :slight_smile:

Pretty cool…needs rollover tho…:beam:
I will do that tonight…lol:thumb: