wow that’s a beautiful baby!!
*Originally posted by xxviii *
Congratulations Unflux… hes adorable **
lets hope he gets is mothers hair. LOL
thank you everyone…except sintax. (jk ;))
I really appreciate it. =)
well at least we know one thing he is your son for sure you cant deny that face and hari lol j/k
Bro i just wish you the best and may god give you the wisdom (patience) to raise 2 beautifull children, maybe thats why im a little kookoo you know 2 kids really can be stressing, and studying at 2 diffrent places and working and trying to be on this addicting place on the web and sleep like 4 hours daily well you know what i mean or dont you???
anyways bro best of wishes man and may god let you enjoy the family he let you have may god bless you all peace
UNFLUX and SON, Inc. … better repaint that shingle outside the office :beam:
Wonderfull to hear and then see all are well, and such a beautifull boy !!!
RelandR - I gotta wait at least until he can hold his own head
before I promote him.
grimdeath - sleep? what’s sleep? I never got any sleep in the
first place, so I’m well trained for this. Although he’s soooo quiet
I actually got some sleep last night.
thanks for the kind words everyone. this is really overwhelming
the support frrom you all. Unexpected and very much
appreciated. :beam:
Once again, congratulations!!
I was going to say something about the hair, but it’s not original anymore.
Many congratulations. Very cute kids.
And you got one of each as well, bravo.
congrats, i just went trought that 8 months ago (almost 9)
want to hook them up? my daugther shes almost 9 months old.
theyll make a nice couple
anyways, good job there, how many more you want? im thinking of 3 (if i can afford a good life to them) or 2
*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**Many congratulations.Very cute kids.
And you got one of each as well, bravo. **
ya flux you got 1 of each can youn please share the AS you used in order to achieve this??? lol because i got 2 boys lol
Congrs again man! Nice famaily you’ve got there! Now be a good daddy!
*Originally posted by grimdeath *
**ya flux you got 1 of each can youn please share the AS you used in order to achieve this??? lol because i got 2 boys lol **
[AS]var gender = myBaby._gender
if (gender != “male”){
gender = “male”;
Duh grim… sheesh… how didn’t you know that?
As always, Lost has an answer for everything!
oh so that was it?? christ i didnt think o dat ill look into it next time lost thanx :beam: rotflmao
PS: do you know the AS code for having more than 1 child??? twins or triplets?? let me know il be rich i give you a cut of course :beam:
Ummmm well this was originally used for XML, but Macromedia developed a different use for it behind the scenes…
hahahah ill be rich rich i say hahahah why hasnt anyone thought of this before and scientists spends millions on cloning and equipment rotflmao