New Baby

well, it looks like tomorrow is the big day. Unless the Dr. changes
her mind, wifey and I are headed in to have our son, Matthew!

April 21, 2003 - sounds like a good birthday to me!

I’ll keep you updated as to whether it happens or not. Most likely
it will. Wish us luck!



good luck unflux, i hope everything works out for you and your family! :slight_smile:


thanks guys. I’m so stoked to get a son. Hope all goes well, you
can never be too sure. =)

get your baseball glove ready, lol

and then get your dictionary
and then get your baseball glove
just messin with ya alex;)

:babie smilie:

congrats unflux may god bless your child and your family and may everything come out fine best wishes

you know I am! I’ve already got it planned out to buy all the
sports things I can find. Gonna be a blast…

but not any good to wish him to grow up too soon. One day
you’ll hopefully see what I mean. My daughter is 2.5yo old now,
and I hardly remember her as a baby. It just goes by SO FAST.

thx grim, I really appreciate your words. =)

That’s fantastic, Flux. If the kid has half the design sense as you, and he’s half as good looking as myself, then who knows how far he’ll go?


Can’t wait for more details, bud. I’m sure everything will go great.

Tip: Stay out of ‘get-your-face-clawed-off’ range when the time comes.

(PS: that wasn’t an insult or anything, just a joke. But my dad did get my mom’s nails sunk into his wrist due to some sort of stress. I don’t know where that stress was from…)


Aislin - haha i know what you mean! Wifey almost broke my hand
squeezing it so hard during our daughter’s birth. I remember that
pain all too well. =)

She was actually pretty calm about it and didn’t cuss me out or
anything, so I was thankful. Wish me luck on this one for that.

thx prstudio. :slight_smile:

yeah flux i know what you mean i got 2 kids myself their birthday is next month both o them and they aint twins ones gonna be 4 and the other is gonna be 3 its amazing how fast time goes by they crack me up on the weekends when i have em man its so much fun having them around heres a pic i took with my new digital cam a few weeks ago

haha bring a ice pack, just if it gets out of hand. lol

Congrats unflux :slight_smile:

Much Congrats there UNFLUX !!! … I’ll be prayin’ for you and yours

My most sincere congratulations. Your life will never be the same… and you’ll love it.

congrats unflux
hope it goes well

grimdeath - It’s SO CRAZY how all of a sudden days, weeks, and
months go by and you don’t even realize it until you look at old
pics or videos. Nice pic…cute kids! what camera did you get? I
need to replace my digital. I always say I never knew life until
kids. =)

Alex - you know I’ll be in a hostpital already, right? I’ll already be
in the best place to get hurt! :wink:

kirupa - thx, I’m glad to hear from you. :ub:

RelandR - I appreciate that a lot, thanks. =)

Iammontoya - this is my 2nd, so I have an idea of what you mean.
I hear it’s twice-different having 2 because of having to deal with
jealousy and all. We’ll see, I’m not sure that’s goign to be a
problem with our 1st, since she loves babies and we’ve been
playing this one up the whole time so it’s not a surprise. Thx for
the comments. :slight_smile: