you know I am! I’ve already got it planned out to buy all the
sports things I can find. Gonna be a blast…
but not any good to wish him to grow up too soon. One day
you’ll hopefully see what I mean. My daughter is 2.5yo old now,
and I hardly remember her as a baby. It just goes by SO FAST.
(PS: that wasn’t an insult or anything, just a joke. But my dad did get my mom’s nails sunk into his wrist due to some sort of stress. I don’t know where that stress was from…)
yeah flux i know what you mean i got 2 kids myself their birthday is next month both o them and they aint twins ones gonna be 4 and the other is gonna be 3 its amazing how fast time goes by they crack me up on the weekends when i have em man its so much fun having them around heres a pic i took with my new digital cam a few weeks ago
grimdeath - It’s SO CRAZY how all of a sudden days, weeks, and
months go by and you don’t even realize it until you look at old
pics or videos. Nice pic…cute kids! what camera did you get? I
need to replace my digital. I always say I never knew life until
kids. =)
Alex - you know I’ll be in a hostpital already, right? I’ll already be
in the best place to get hurt!
kirupa - thx, I’m glad to hear from you. :ub:
RelandR - I appreciate that a lot, thanks. =)
Iammontoya - this is my 2nd, so I have an idea of what you mean.
I hear it’s twice-different having 2 because of having to deal with
jealousy and all. We’ll see, I’m not sure that’s goign to be a
problem with our 1st, since she loves babies and we’ve been
playing this one up the whole time so it’s not a surprise. Thx for
the comments.