UNFLUX HeadQuarters

…are on their way to being built!

I just picked up my first batch of supplies to build my own
office/studio. It gets started this week equipped with my very
own bathroom and closet!

I’m pretty exstatic about it! :beam:


Cool cool man…

I’ve got like 50 architecture plans downstairs… Everything from my own Cyber Cafe to a Bowling Alley with Bar n Grill…

I also have my Summer and Winter houses drawn out…

Along with a Designer Studio :slight_smile:

I love drawing Architectural Plans btw :slight_smile:

Really? like a real place or just a model?

If it’s a real place - congrats man! That is great news!

If it’s a model or plans like playamarz - then have fun :wink:

hehe… :slight_smile: Yeah… I wish I could build most of the things I have planned out… I’d be a millionaire… I’ve sat back and watched how the locla income gets spent and I think I could invest some money and make almost millions in years :slight_smile:

no no

This is going to be my REAL office. I went to Lowe’s and bought
a pile of lumber, new tools (like a circular saw, tool belt, etc) and
I begin construction tomorrow! :beam:

no models - just my plans, and my hands.

wow man - be sure to take some pictures, I would love to see it happen, like the stages and stuff

(I’m one of those “let’s see the pictures” kind of guys if you can’t tell) :slight_smile:

Yeha man… it’s always fun to watch other people’s projects go up timber by timber… Take a buttload of pictures and post them up here… I’m sure all us will find it handy…

You can also use the pictures as reference… Sifting through them after a hard day of work and you say… Well I didn’t notice this today… maybe I should go over that again…


Wait… I just noticed this… hanover PA?!

You ever been to Chambersburg UNFLux?

yeah post images of your progress!!! (if you would be so kind)

oh, you know i will! Gonna take the first set of pics tomorrow.
I’ll be taking video of it as well.

Let me make sure your expectations are correct tho. This isn’t
going to be some highrise in the city, with my logo in HUGE lighted
letters or anything…haha.

Actually, it’s a bit of a downer after that context…

It’s just a big space in my basement that’s unfinished, but I’m
building it specifically for my office. MINE ALL MINE! At least until I
gain enough clientel to justify renting an office space somewhere.

Playa - yeah I’ve been to chambersburg. I’m really from Baltimore,
and don’t really claim to be a Pennsylvanian, other than my
address. hehe :wink:

thanks for the shared excitement, this makes me feel good about
it. I’m putting all my energy into getting the biz going, and never
having to go work for someone else again.

THAT is my main goal. :slight_smile:

YEah man… That’s where I live… East side of Chambersburg… I bowl in Hanover every so often for my traveling league team…

Actually we bowled the Hanover team this past Saturday.

yea man…images will be soooo cool. I think it should be a sticky for a little bit too. (just my opinion though!)

ok, I’ll post the “beginning” tomorrow so you can all see. :slight_smile:

awesome. I appreciate that. This should be interesting!

Playa - here’s our proximity (even tho I know you know):

and lostinbeta deosn’t really live that far away. Neither does
Senocular. We should try to plan a retreat or something this
summer with so many of us this close. That’d be cool, I think.

that would be wierd…kinda

so Unflux, is your new studio going to look like this?
