New cartoon battle

Actually, I’ve been wondering about the dimensions of this cartoon. I know the original height and width were based on a three panel cartoon, but since we’re animating it, I’m not sure it’s a good idea to have it that wide…

What do you guys think?

nah, stick with it, gives you a lot of width to play with, i know it’s animated, but i still sugegsted those dimensions, coz they result in a nice letterbox format…

those dimensions also suggest a character size to deal with, and good dimensions for backgrounds, depending how complex you get…

OK, fair enough. :slight_smile:

Just wondering was all. :slight_smile:

sorry for the ranty nature of that, bit stressed today…

Im good with the dimensions… it may not be ‘appropriate’ or ‘normal’ but in the same respect that adds to what can be done and what interesting results could arise from it.

Don’t feel bad about me name, for some reason every place I go I get called Straet for some time till I go Ahem, ya know, hehe… Dont ask my why that happens :slight_smile:

Well since it came up, with the dimensions and all, Im used to WidthxHeight (its how they come in the order of Flash as well)

Is that 200 width 650 height or the other way??? The letterbox comment makes me think I was right to assume it was 650x200 instead… Just want ot know before I get too far into it :slight_smile:

Third question I had, is there is no way to make/edit sound clips in flash is there? Kinda limits the sounds me comic can have if I have to rely on finding already existing clips…

Anywho, Im already having fun doing this! :slight_smile:

actually, yes, good point, i think for sound we could allow editors, god only knows how i’d do it otherwise…

i’ll prolly end up using cool edit… mainly coz soundforge keeps letting me down on wav exports…

oh yeah, it is 650 wide, 200 deep… :wink:

Thanks :slight_smile:
Almost 6am tho, time to get to sleep so I can dream up a good comic idea, hehe

Does everyone stay on here till weird hours in the night or something? You must get about an hour of sleep… :sigh:

I’m thinking of hitting my head with a mallet to try and think of an idea for a cartoon.

Does it have to be funny? Or just a wonderful display of artistic / animated talent? :stuck_out_tongue:

well, your theme :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

i’m sure we could all agree on a different one.

as to concept, up to you, i mean, humour does lend itself to cartoons very well, but if you want to do something dark, with social comment, it’s your flash :wink:

Well, if anyone’s got a better idea for a theme, please suggest it. :wink:

I’ve got a vague idea of something, just remains to be seen whether or not it will work… And whether my artistic skills (or lack thereof) are up to the job…

"hitting [ones] head with a mallet " IS a common cartoon theme =)

here’s a curio i did a while back, a mate of mine was going on about b3ta and how mad their stuff was, so i put together this little oddment to see what wierd **** i could come up with.

was going to be a sort of wacky racers kinda spoofy thingy…


no. i’m off the prescription tablets now.

hitting [ones] head with a mallet " IS a common cartoon theme
You know, you might just be onto something there… Hehe, I think I’ve got me a cartoon! :evil:

Well due to my very distinct lack of artistic ability, and this being my first animation attempt, Im going to be going for the funny aspect of the cartoons, LoL :slight_smile:

well… I tried the funny aspect in the last cartoon… with a witty boogieman and sicne it wasn’t graphically developed… It got 0 votes… So I’d best say… Just make somehting that looks good…


This is a 3 frame animation… Therefore… Looks aren’t going to be eveyrhting… You can’t draw garfield in three frame slooking good and it work out right.

Umm… I saw nothing saying we had to seperate this into frames, just that we had to use the size of a normal 3 panel comic (650x200)

[PS:Edit]Please note I am expecting 0 votes, I just want to try :)[/PS:Edit]