Her we go agein !
Tell me who is the “Best”
Her we go agein !
Tell me who is the “Best”
hmm tough… personally I like the first one the best, though the designs elements behind it arent the most original available. I’m not so sure about the second one tbh. I think the third one perhaps… try switching the the sides the words are on, so millad is on the left and flip (horizontal) the two shapes! I wanna see what it would look like! good work though!
edit: you posted the 4th while I was typing this! ok, that’s ok too. I still prefer the 1st and 3rd ones - I’d like to see the 3rd one tweaked though!
The furst one ? You mean the one with the honybox ?
Sorry I did not understand the thing on the 3th one ?
How shall I do it ?
Thank you very much ! I hope you like it !
the 3rd one: try mirroring the shapes (flip them) and put ‘millad’ on the left and ‘design’ on the right.
yeah kinda, though you flipped in the horizontal and vertical - try just the horizontal
yeah, it perhaps didn’t come out like I’d visualised, but it still looks cool… can’t decide which though number 1 would probably be my very very first choice
Thank you very much !
Any Other ? what do you think of these 5 logos ?
waiting comments…:beam:
milladlogo2.jpg I still say is the best one…I can see a “m” and what could be a stylized “d”. The others ore just odd shapes to me. I think you should go with logo 2…that is my .02
i akm with 3d on this one
logo 2 without a doubt it has substance and depth yet its still 2d very good it looks like a qbert square yet it also ooks like a m i like this one the most
i like the second one better, but i think color would look good, sorta something that fades in. either blue or yellow would look good i think.
The second Logo is -¨> The down shape is M and the above it is a D ! Millad Designs ! if I take the above logo then its just M.
I like the logo 1 and 2 :hangover:
go with 2…it is your best bet out of whta you have shon…i think it has the majority vote too
Okay then ! 2 it is !
but I have some more ! do you whant to see it ?
You see I draw them then I creat them using flash mx !
It take time !
But I will post them here !
thx for the commentz
yeah the more the merrier!
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