New Contest I Am Holding!

I am creating a Flash web designer business and need to make my homepage. I am not sure what the title is going to be but I was thinking… Dimension Studio, Manna, DS, and some other things I have been tossing around. The actually contest is not on the title but the design…

I will make the website but I need a concept and design to base it on. Please post a concept of a website, any picture or texture to base it on, any effects or transitions, and any other things you feel are relevent to your design winning. O and by the way please describe or attach a kind of blueprint of the overall layout of the site.

On December 19, I will hold a poll and the winner will be voted on.

The Prizes:
Well, if the site becomes up and running (which it hopefully will) I will allow you to use space on my server and place an advertisement on my site. If you dont need an advertisement or space I will, free of charge, make your personal website for free. And if the site gets up and running, you will see that they will be far from cheap. Above all, the main prize is knowing that you made the best design on the Kirupa forum!

When I say design a site for you, I will compeltely make it and if need be even design it with my original idea (ironic huh?)

Ok, I will give you an example to clear up what I mean by design.
"I think a cool design would be a site with metal textures and smooth transition. The button effects should be smooth but have a bounce effect. The menu would be vertical with a metal object that travels to the button that is rolled over. There would be mechanical sound effects like samples of when a plain lounds and the main page would have 3 dimensional metal cubes for the sub menu’s. The articles would have title bars with a beveled out metalic texture’

Thats all. Not a big deal. Not a lot of work. Hope this cleared it up. I just came up with that in 5 minutes.

If you can’t think of any thing drasitc, feel free to make any old suggestion to any other contestant. I will give you both space if I drastically use your idea. :slight_smile:

O and Kirupa, it would be much appreciated if you stickied this. I would put an add on my site if you want… O and by the way, this site will not be “under construction for 3 years” I am trying to actually make money by designing sites. :slight_smile: