New End (A Space themed piece by Dog-E)

Hello everyone,

Wow… That was long…Like, a month or something? Yeah, 4 days less than a month and I’ve been working on this piece. I was sure that I wanted to use blue and orange with a really nice contrast…So I guess I did.
Hmm…What else…Oh yeah! It was not the final version however, because my beautiful (perfectly gentle) Photoshop CS messed up my file, I had to just use the latest version and play with contrast and some other color issues.

Yeah the whole process from beginning to the end can be found here:

[COLOR=DarkOrange]Technical[/COLOR] [COLOR=Navy]details:[/COLOR] None. It is simply 72 Photoshop layers on a 384 DDR, Amd Athlon 64. I sometimes went crazy, but I guess it helped me…Heh…

Any criticisms are welcome but do not suggest anything because I simply cannot fix any part of it. I only have the JPG file now and that is it.

Thank you very much bigmtnskier, Zach-E2, simplistik, BoonDock, dinamik, BOKKE, fasterthanlight, danulf, theflash, jandebouwman for all your criticisms. Those were what helped this thing improve.
