New Flash Contest

Hey everyone,
Just wanted to put this contest up for anyone interested in joining: Just for the heck of it, I submitted the Snow effect that was on the site a month or so ago.

Kirupa :ub:

AHHH… I’ve got to submit something in 2 days that will be worthwhile?!

Wooah… gets to thinking

Thanks Kirupa… I do have a great idea though… PHP… Flash MX… And Loads of database management through txt files…

Phew… This is gonna take alot of time off my hands but I think I might be able to contribute :wink:


I submitted this one, remember it fellas? :stuck_out_tongue:

yeah good timing on that…FEB 1st? I dont think so! (actually I knew of it before hand)

who’s submitted someting??


I would submit something (I know what) but:

we also require you to supply to us an .html file pointing TO your work in your hosted environment that can be accessed via the internet.

does this mean that I have to have a homepage or something where my effect is displayed??? :|:o

I didn’t submit that, I just zipped the fla and swf file… :-\

I can host you work if it comes to that Syko. Just PM me…

there… sent my html pointer too… :slight_smile:

well I have a host but do I just have to upload the stupid effect there n’ send it to them too n’ that’s it?


I did… :-\

lol then I’ll start creating the ■■■■ effect right away! haven’t got much time! btw what was the EST again?
Eastern… Something… time

Yikes, I’m not sure I could even think of a good idea for a submission by 1st Feb, let alone code it by then… :slight_smile:

I’ll bet our very own Ilyas could submit something though. And nice effect Eilsoe. :slight_smile:

Can I send more than one effect? Cuz I think this is not enough. :-\

lol, creepy! :stuck_out_tongue:

thx Kit :slight_smile:

Allright well… I’m submitting one of these four ideas…

  1. DYnamic Weather Effects for your Website… Including Rain, Fog, CLouds SNow and Ice… Which have effects to your site…

  2. 3D Design Program… A program that let’s you draw lines in top, side and front views… And then render the wireframe into a 3D space and zoom around it.

  3. 3D Isometric Destructable Terrain… It’s time for me to unleash this soon… Might as well be in a contest…

  4. The Beat Master… A Tune looping program that let’s you add links to music loops and beats… You can then view your music to a spectrum type anylzer and visualizations revoling around color and fascination…

I don’t know which one to pick and do tomorrow night though :’(

do that weather dynamics thing :beam: !!!

:bounce: Don’t know what I’ll do…

I’d like to figure out how I would implement this to show over an actually HTML page… But hey… We can’t have the whole world can we? Well… SCREW IT! I’m taking over the world Pinky! :slight_smile:

Aw man, too bad this is so soon.

I just saw this thread today, the day before submission is due.

There is no way I can come up with an idea, let alone possibly code any idea I come up with.


lost use that click text thing! plz! that would be so cool! i cant stand to not have to submit when you could win! do that!

i would if i knew as…lol

click text thing?