New Forum

hey guys

i’ve made a new forum for my company it has some of the samme topics as this one and it kinda cool, i mean i really like it, oh yeah feel free to sign up, here is the links.


sorry, not to be mean or anything, but that’s just lame… you copied kirupaforum word by word? pfft… :sigh:


omg rev, you’re like a living funny photo gallery! :smiley:

a pic is worth a thousand words…

and usually a lot more funny…



ur forum…its a bit slow and as u surf my screens are being attacked by all those yahoo advertising…u did a lame job so far looking good :stuck_out_tongue:

so what is ur plan now, are u gonna reskin it?


the samme topics as this one

i believe i told you that the forum was kinda like this one, i am not looking to keep it like that i will change, hey how many of you make some thing like this when you where 14.

thankx for the openions


age is no reason for ripping…


sorta like? word for word morelike…


its well organized forum and I like it :slight_smile: now reskin it meaning design new icons, play with colors, add a logo, add a banner to it etc… I didnt do this kind a stuff with 14…I was a dee jay back then :slight_smile:


well, when I was 14, Bill Gates hadn’t stolen QDOS yet…

Woz & Jobs hadn’t even thought of an Apple…

so age has very little to do with it. Even a 14 year old can change a few words, come up with his own flavor…

technically, great job. artistically lame.

JMO tho.


yeah really, when did age have anything to do with this stuff?

another forum, fine with me. maybe paraphrase at least :slight_smile:

but the “b1manblue” or whatever title, other than confusing me, looks really cheesey in that cursive style crap.