hi guys this is my first post i’m intermediate in flash please check and tell me your cri…?
hi guys this is my first post i’m intermediate in flash please check and tell me your cri…?
i don’t really like the gradients, and I’m not sure if I like the rest of the site because I couldn’t read the text, therefore could not navigate
Ouch… some of the tweens in your site and Harsh…
seriously i think you have some skill… and they are alot of cool effects on your site that are fading into the background… because of all the cluttered junk (gradients)
1.) work on the tweens
2.) FPS (pump it up)
3.) try find some alternatives to gradients
4.) nad say goodbye to those dam mouse trailers (really irrating)
Cool site neverless. keep up the good work… urbanJ
P.S welcome to the forum!!!
the gradients are a little harsh, they don’t really suit the site. Some of the effects are good but others aren’t. Theres no real fluency to the site.
*Originally posted by urbanjackal *
**Ouch… some of the tweens in your site and Harsh…
seriously i think you have some skill… and they are alot of cool effects on your site that are fading into the background… because of all the cluttered junk (gradients)
1.) work on the tweens
2.) FPS (pump it up)
3.) try find some alternatives to gradients
4.) nad say goodbye to those dam mouse trailers (really irrating)
Cool site neverless. keep up the good work… urbanJ
P.S welcome to the forum!!! **
thanks guys for replay… i’ll change the site soon with better gradients… and i’ll work on fbs and tweens … any body else will be great…
hey guys come on ???
Ok, you’ve got some good ideas, but i dont like the layout or choice of colours. Also the link to designers is broken.
and Welcome aboard…
Here’s what I noticed:
It’s already bad enough that you’re using white text on a black background, but white blurry text on a black background makes it extremely hard to read the text.
Also your text isn’t consistent, you have static text and dynamic text as well so one is blurry and one is crisp so it looks wierd.
Same goes with your nav buttons, the font is blurry.
You concentrated on all these effects and didn’t spend much time on planning out your site so things look very unprofessional. You should work on planning things out a bit more first then worry about effects later. Having a clean and organized layout is more important than having the extra bells and whistles.
hi man electrongeek you do remember me … i think no but you helped me when i was learning how to build 100% flash site i did email you … any way thanks for the nice cri… how could i avoid
makeing the text blurry … or crisp and what is the best ways to do gradients … also what is the best fonts to use or you guys use … also how to chose the best colors i hope you replay soon … thanks again any other comments will be great
Yeah like everyone else says I would lose those gradients, the site has a pretty cool intro to it, could be better but very good.
I didn’t see a mouse trailer where is that?
Personally I don’t like every link I press opening in a _blank window, you should have a check box where the user selects if he/she wants to have the links open in a new window or not (Use vars to do this). That is just me I don’t think people will think to much about the windows.
The header is a little weird, what is it supose to be? I think you could make a cooler header with maybe the site name (great front splash page logo maybe?)
Besides my own harsh comments i’d give that site a 5 out of 10 (10 begin E Geeks site) lol.
Good work man keep it up. :A+:
thanks for the cri… it helps me to avoid mistakes next time … but no body answer my question about the blurry text?
hey can any body help me about the blurry text…
Search the forum, it’s been discussed many times before.
thanks man … i’ll try it …
its pretty good suggestions:
1)get rid of gradients (lol, every1 has said this"
2)stick up the framerate all the tweens look slow
3)on the buttons put the font size up
4)The font for the content should be changed to summat simple, like. verdana or summat
5)On the mouse trailer thingy change it so that only one square comes up not 3 (in a row)
thanks man … for replay … i’ll fix that … my new site is in progress…
the color scheme does not look nice, hard gradients, blue, and then the brown header
it’s weird… it’s like you can make perfect professional effects, but the colors, and graphics seem bad.
thanks guys for replay … like i say i’ll fix this in the coming version … i’m not so good in graphics … and ehman are u the one at tutorial forums??
yes, i am. I have never seen you there though ?
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