I’m in the market for a new HDTV/Monitor. Has to be 1080p have HDMI and be good for video editing and graphic design.
I’ve looked at the samsung toc line. The 26" with the HDTV tuner sounded good but when I saw it at best buy the colors were all washed out.
I saw a gateway 24" w/ 92% gamut that looked really nice, but reading online it got a lot of bad reviews.
I was suggested to look into dells, they sound like they may be good for what I want (though i really want to watch cable on this and it has no tv tuner) but i’ve heard dell customer support sucks.
Does anyone out there have experience with any new LCD monitors out? I’m trying to spend up to $500 but less if possible. Definitely must play blu-rays and be compatible with xbox 360