[[[[[[new Nintendo Competition]]]]]

Nintendo europe are running a new competition for zelda fans to celebrate the release of the wind waker in the uk!

To win you have to choose something from the zelda world and bring it to life like never before (pictures, sculptures - anything you want!)


10 winners get a platinum gamecube & exclusive nintendo goodies - and the game!

The best entry recieves a t-shirt…


For more info check out www.nintendo-europe.com

Im going to do something mad for this, i want that t-shirt soooo bad…


oh wow that is amazing! I bet it’s only for you europe people though… :frowning:

anybody can enter - but i will win!!!

ahh! enter or just buy a cube ause i am getting one soon no matter what (heheh i am addicted to OT for n64 (which i didnt beat in 4th grade) so i am going to beat that then get cube and get that and Metrioid)

im only entering for the t-shirt…

but if you have an entry that wins grand pize isnt that the best entry?

mine will be the best entry, believe me…


alot of determination from Mariofan

hes “will” be the best entry, so theres no point anyone else entering… :slight_smile:

thats correct! now your learning…


I better get to see what you are doing my man - and dont worry, it’s not spying or anything cause i am not entering - no time :frowning:

Besides, it would be a shame to have you loose to me, we are both such great fanboys :wink:

hmm, i was wondering… do you need to make somthing in real life… as in, something you can touch or hold… as opposed to a design in photoshop or flash?! o well i dunno
