It's here!

My new copy of Zelda Wind Waker is at home waitng for me! I feel like a kid again, I can hardly wait to go home and play it. It’s my most anticipated game since the last zelda!



who pedals the bicycle generator while you are playing the video games? Is there a Ms. Tuknuk? Maybe you put good old Tina on the treadmill?

BTW - I haven’t played Zelda since the original… It’s changed a bit…


wind wakers alright but shadowbane is better! its at eb today! !!!

I started playing it last night.

It is incredible…

I cant wait to get home.

i gotta wait till may, maybe longer before i can play…

ok are you guys talking about Wind Waker or that other crappy game? :wink: J/K

And Rev - you got it, I got the old girl on the tred mill 24/7 latley :slight_smile:

how i long for a game cube…

yay shadowbane! i got my copy…its amazing!

you physically mold the terrain and create the goverments in your own cities. if you dont like your neighboring city, get the torches and burn it down!

this game is going to be one of the best out there, it has so many things to it that will keep the players playing for years to come (crap ultima cough sad *** vet rewards cough)

I was talking about wind waker.

I am totally amazed at the size of the world. The game is grat how it ties in the histoy of past Zelda quests.

I am loving the soundtrack too. The hyrule theme is back!

The one thing I dont like is how “kiddie” the storyline can be at times. For a game that is so complex in terms of puzzles and whatnot. Most kids that would appreciate dancing little tree sprites with corny music would not be able to even get to that pont in the game.

Other than that I LOVE it.

i may get myself a gamecube just to get that game. i’ve wanted to play it from the beginning.

hojo - go talk about your game in your own thread :wink:

Fester, I know what you mean - although it really doesnt bother me. I dont care if there are “kiddie” elements - I think the game is too fantastic to even care :slight_smile: I read in a review that once you unlock all areas of the map - it takes 7min to go from one side to the other, at FULL wind speed! That’s huge!!!

Zelda is back with a vengence!

anyone ever play ultima online? I’ve heard a lot about that game when I was in hs… what’s that all about?

This is about Zelda dammit! :slight_smile:

no sureshot! mine is still on its way from the us… this is really not fair…
mariofan throws his wavebird, then picks it up and says sorry to mario sunshine…


hahaha - wavebirds are amazing!! I love mine :slight_smile:

And Mario Sunshine - my girlfriend is so good in that **** game.


how does Tina play with her paws?

you’ve taught that lead dog well…
