New Orleans Annoyance

Ok, yes i feel sorry for the people in New Orleans. But im sick and tired of black people playing the race card. Seriously, all those people dumb enough not to get on a bus and get out its there own fault. And some how its all George Bush’s fault…last time i checked he didnt control hurricanes. Also people are yelling at people not doing anything but what the hell are we supposed to do and we were doing something by giving our money. Yes im a republican and im proud of it. But the marks made by Kanye West saying that Bush hated black people just pisses me off. Black people are the only race that blames all there problems on the whites and everything is racist. Where is the White Entertainment TV, when is White History month, why do they have to be called African-american when they are from here, i dont go by English American just cause my family history goes back there. Im sorry but i like black people its the other types of blacks that piss me off. If anyone has ever seen Chris Rock when he says there are two different types of black people, the blacks and the n. And the n. are the ones that mess up everything for the blacks.

Sorry to rant but im just tired of it.

South Carolina boy
and Republican and
Couldnt be more proud of it