Let the discussion on black history begin.
I think I will let someone else start.
Let the discussion on black history begin.
I think I will let someone else start.
Why do “they” get a whole month? We’ve had some pretty bad wars in the past - lots of people died horrific deaths because of them, but you dont see those wars get months. Maybe a day… or a single day for a couple of wars if not them all collectively. The blacks were just treated inferiorly. Ok, I can see how a complex may develop from that, but their death (IF there was death) was not as bad as that which was experienced in wars… and some slaves back in the day were actually treated quite well.
… then you get into the over-zealous blacks who have this overwhelming need to beat the whiteman down. They are, in part, some of the reason why racism continues as it does. Evil begets evil. Can’t we all just get along?
And another thing… back to the months deal, you know, we only have 12 months in a year. We’re running out of months to commemorate things/people. Days are much better and people have a better chance of getting off work on days. You’ll never see “closed for black history month” anywhere. Maybe Martin Luther King day… because its a DAY. Great man; got his own day - good for him. If he had a month, no one would care because no one would get off :trout:
What about Native American month?
Native Americans didn’t have a good past, and even now, they are towards the bottom of any economic indicator comparing all the races in the US. While there were some great African Americans who had some great contributions, but why a whole month? Did Edison not make great contributions? Squanto? Einstein?
That doesn’t seem like a quest for equality at all - especially if that month is dedicated only to people who happen to be “African American.” Make it a month for all cultures of all color - where all of human achievement is celebrated!
hhmmmm…As an African American myself I think us getting a month to celebrate our heritage is good since we never got our reparations. Native Americans in a sense has gotten their reparations for their treatment. In the form of land. Reserves and the whole nine (although that is debateable). Asian Americans get the greatest relief/aide I have ever seen from the govenrment monies, citizenship, housing/busines loans, A1 CREDIT. When slavery was denounced alot of Blacks were screwed out of their 40 acres and a mule. And I think of all of the US’s documented travesties, the wrongs done to the blacks (meaning stripping of human rights and constitutional rights) stretches basically into now. Racism is still rampant. But granted it is not soley aimed at blacks, but the majority of it is. Being African AMerican is not easy at all. To succeed you have to do things that much better than our counterparts. We as a people have given so much even in the face of adversity I would think it is the least that America could do. I dont think anyone can name another culture that has went through the struggles we have, still give tremendously back to the same society that enslaved us and still we have much of the same issues and hurdles to go over today. They just take on a different face. And we continue to contribute especially in our music that was once frowned on now it is the highest grossing music genre. So now it is cool to be black even if you are not.
I guess you can say in lieu of getting our 40 acres and a mule we get the shortest month in the year to discuss our contributions. Which Id rather have the 40 acres, but it is a okay trade off.
I would agree that racism is rampant in America. There is no way that anybody can deny that, but why? Why does one group hate another group just because of color? It’s a tough question and the reason will never be defined.
One thing idea I have been kicking around is the idea that people want there to be racism. If it is equality we want, why don’t we have it? Why are we giving money to native americans? Why are we giving money to groups, and thus making them unequal. Why do blacks get a month to celebrate their history? You see, by making these special events, handouts, etc. We are just further dividing the line between different races.
America has put their self in a position to overcompensate. So much wrong has been done that it will just be plain impossible to make everyone happy. Everyone is going to feel that one is getting more than the other. But I can totally see why Indians get land and money and we get a month of Celebration. I dont think about it much tho. Because I never let the excuse of “The White Man is keeping me down”. I personally go out and try to do more no matter the hurdle. I think if more people dont fall back on the handout or copouts. That line will dimish and we can open doors for ourselves and others instead of the government. Although I was raised in the ghetto so I relate to the plight of African Americans. But I do believe that more can do more to get out and make things better for once they are out. By giving back to the community.
But we have earned this month of celebration. In my eyes. As the Indians have earned…no have the right to this land.
I feel that my family was faced unjust prejudice when they arrived here. I think I need a Polish History month so that I may better understand my past and everyone can feel for my plite. Hearing Polish jokes constantly is deaming, I’m sick of the white man keeping me down.
An unjust prejudiced and being stripped of your human/constitutional rights are different. And your family probably came here on their own accord not forced on slave ships. Or had their land ravaged and taken from them. Not to mention not having contributed on a large scale to american society…Big difference between fact and opinion! :beam:
I have black friends, polish friends, and a few asian friends. I don’t feel that any of them think they are being held down by the white man. We laugh and joke about racism. It’s funny. I think that we all need to settle down about this racism thing, and start accepting it. When we accept things, they become less prominent. The first step to finding racism funny would be watching the Dave Chapelle show. If you can’t accept the fact that we can’t get along then pack your bags and head on back to where ever you or your family came from. I’m sure it’s much better in (insert homeland here).
*Originally posted by DDD *
**An unjust prejudiced and being stripped of your human/constitutional rights are different. And your family probably came here on their own accord not forced on slave ships. Or had their land ravaged and taken from them. Not to mention not having contributed on a large scale to american society…Big difference between fact and opinion! :beam: **
I’ve gotta agree w/DDD here.
until you have walked a mile in thier moccasins, you shouldn’t be so quick to judge.
The African Americans were ‘left out’ of history books in the US, until quite recently (10-15 years)… We were never taught of Buffalo Soldiers, or any African American who did anything large, except for MLK (and he was asassinated during my school years)…
Black History Month is an attempt to repair that error in our education system. It is important for our youth to realize that people from all walks of life helped build this country, and anyone can do anything they want, as long as they try hard enough.
After all, isn’t that what America is all about in the first place?
I think that Black History is a large part of the history books. Consider that I recently took a class on 1800’s American History. Almost all of this concerns, in some manner, black history. The civil war, slavery, culture, ect. I think it is also generally agreed oupon that what was done the blacks was wrong. There are the ocassion few that would say slavery wasn’t all that bad, and some owners treated the slaves nicely, but really I think that we all understand that what was done was completely wrong. I also understand that horrible things were done to indians, asians, women, men, and almost everyone. Sorry? What has to be done to make these things right? I mean that’s the main point of this whole thing isn’t it?
*Originally posted by reverendflash *
**Black History Month is an attempt to repair that error in our education system. It is important for our youth to realize that people from all walks of life helped build this country, and anyone can do anything they want, as long as they try hard enough. **
So where’s the attempt to repair the stereotype given to native americans from countless ‘cowboy and indian’ westerns. Is it worse to be left out or to have your people portrayed time and again as savages?
21 more days, and we are back to white-honkey 11 months history marathon?
I just find it funny.
But racial inequality does exist in America, and its okay to draw attention to the Black in America, because face it, most of the black population is here because of slavery. And there is so much descrimination going on its not funny.
So why not. But, I do think there should be someway to draw attention to other cultures that suffered in America, (american indians)
well you see native american indians have received their reparations in another way…Land and money. That some will argue is not enough. I have an asian friend whose family gets money from the government somehow connected to Hiroshima. But hey feel that is not enough. America just has chosen to repair its wrongs in different ways and of course this will not sit right with everyone. But it is really really important to understand what the blacks have contributed to history. We would probably still be slaves if it wasnt for their participation in the civil war. Heck we would not have peanut butter if it was not for blacks.
But it is like a big brother sibling thing. One sibling is going to feel left out if he does not receive the exact thing the other did.
Or anyone else who does not think blacks deserve a history month. Read up and research what contributions this race has made I think you will change your mind. It is even WAAAAAYYY more than they print in school books, but you have to dig. And not to downplay anyone elses race, but it is just the way America has chosen to deal with the injustices. Me I would rather give the month to the Asians and give me the economic relief. Or some land as they do the native americans.
*Originally posted by RussianBeer *
21 more days, and we are back to white-honkey 11 months history marathon?
baaaaa hahahahah ROTFL
*Originally posted by senocular *
**So where’s the attempt to repair the stereotype given to native americans from countless ‘cowboy and indian’ westerns. Is it worse to be left out or to have your people portrayed time and again as savages? **
Portrayed as savages…
Now this is interesting. Are we not allowed to portray a group as something else?
Are Asians not portrayed as masters of electronics?
Are Women not portrayed as weak?
Are Men not portrayed as Strong, Competitive beasts?
As you can see I am trying to point out that we are all portrayed as something or another. If your not happy with your portrayal then sorry about your luck. I don’t particular enjoy being called a nerd in school, but you don’t see me wanting money, my own history month, land, or anything. I just want the same thing that everyone else does, a fair shot at my piece of the pie.
was there some motive behind making black history month the shortest month of the year?
*Originally posted by RedMirrorBall *
** I just want the same thing that everyone else does, a fair shot at my piece of the pie. **
A dedicated month doesn’t give you that. :trout:
*Originally posted by senocular *
**Why do “they” get a whole month? We’ve had some pretty bad wars in the past - lots of people died horrific deaths because of them, but you dont see those wars get months. Maybe a day… or a single day for a couple of wars if not them all collectively. The blacks were just treated inferiorly. Ok, I can see how a complex may develop from that, but their death (IF there was death) was not as bad as that which was experienced in wars… and some slaves back in the day were actually treated quite well.
… then you get into the over-zealous blacks who have this overwhelming need to beat the whiteman down. They are, in part, some of the reason why racism continues as it does. Evil begets evil. Can’t we all just get along?
And another thing… back to the months deal, you know, we only have 12 months in a year. We’re running out of months to commemorate things/people. Days are much better and people have a better chance of getting off work on days. You’ll never see “closed for black history month” anywhere. Maybe Martin Luther King day… because its a DAY. Great man; got his own day - good for him. If he had a month, no one would care because no one would get off :trout: **
Sen this sounds weird coming from you? Celebrate wars? Having your civil/human/constitutional rights snatch from under you, then turning around and make great contributions to the same society that enslaved you, then turn around and be left out of the history books, then only to face the same racism in different modes. And you feel that blacks should not have a month to honor, remember and educate about the contributions that blacks have made? I would say Native Americans deserve the same but America has chosen to the give them land as reparation.
*Originally posted by senocular *
**was there some motive behind making black history month the shortest month of the year? **
hmmm. Also note that presidents day is also in February, has there ever been a black president?
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