New Phone (Maybe)

Ok so at the moment I have a Nokia 6230. It’s alright, the camera quality is pretty poor, and the video quality is crap, most of the time you can’t even see & hear what’s going on.

I’m a long time Nokia user (iv had one since the 5110 was top of the range) and have never owned a phone that aint a Nokia.

I thought i’d branch away from Nokia, I mean I like them and all, good features, easy to use but I feel like something different…

Mite go for the Sony Ericsson K750i - Seems like a sweet phone, and that 2 megapixel camera looks quality.

£200 (ish) on eBay seems ok, I gotta save up for it tho…

Does anyone have this phone or a similar Sony Ericsson? How are they compared to Nokias?