New Pics

Should probably be in the introduce section but oh well… Here are new pic… Ones that are current and up to date… Plus… I included some of my prom pictures… These ones aren’t weird like the couch ones… well Maybe 2 of em are… hehe… :slight_smile:

Most are weird… And the prom pics look crappy because I had to use my webcam… STUPID SCANNER… Maybe I can use my digi-cma to take better pictures of pictures…

Come to that conclusion eh? hehe…

haha nice pics Marlin, are you doing the robot in that one? When was your prom? 1978? :stuck_out_tongue:

he was doing the moon walk.

nice pictures


No NO! That’s ISaac… he’s my best friend… lol… And that’s not the Robot…

That’s the Goat Hump… It’s quite hilarious to see it performed… But weird to see it in picture… hehe… :slight_smile:

haha no wonder, I thought you looked different there. :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by playamarz *
No NO! That’s ISaac… he’s my best friend… lol… And that’s not the Robot…

That’s the Goat Hump… It’s quite hilarious to see it performed… But weird to see it in picture… hehe… :slight_smile:

eww. who came up with that

Do you live in Arkansas? Is that girl your sister/aunt/grandma/cousin too?


i dont want to know that answer=)

I wouldn’t laugh… Him and his g/f did lmao


who´s da man??

good fellas…

[COLOR=green]hulk smash!![/COLOR]


That’s good guig0…

1st : Who’s the man with the two thumbs that rock… That guy.

2nd : The Good Fellas was right :slight_smile:

3rd : Hulk Smash was right again… :slight_smile:

Can’t wait til the Hulk comes out… Anyways… Peace :slight_smile:


I just got me a new polo shirt today… Rather nice deal… White with thinner stripes of navy blue and brown… $10.00 at American Outfitters… Word up to that…


That’s the Goat Hump… It’s quite hilarious to see it performed… But weird to see it in picture… hehe…
I hesitate to ask what this particular dance involves, I really do… :stunned:

Although we’ve got a couple of dubious ones from a trip to Greece. There’s one that involves putting your two fingers nearest your thumb together (like Joey from Friends - “how <i>you</i> doin’?”) and just sort of waving them like Eminem. Then there’s the other one that is… suspect. That’s the only word I can think of. :cyclops:

roflmao… the greeks know how to dance… but they have no shame. (actually they have a lot of shame… but not when it comes to their dancing)

my ancestors do the polka though so we can’t talk at all. :wink:

my ancestors do the polka though so we can’t talk at all.
Well, being English, I have absolutely no rhythm whatsoever, and therefore must dance like a pillock at every opportunity. :slight_smile:

lol… Yeah man…

I actually tried break dancing before… But I woke up the next day with an incredibly big headache and said screw that… I prefer slow dances… MM :slight_smile:


what has 2 thumbs and loves blow jobs?


Sorry, I just love that joke and that picture was too perfect :stuck_out_tongue:


I love the captions you guys

Who superglued my hands to this invisible box…?

