New site + layout!

ok, after taking everones suggestions, i finally redid my site

heres the link

tell me how u like it:

Here’s what I noticed:

  1. Since your layout is so small, your content appears so busy and messy.

  2. The titles for each section is too big so is your content text as well.

  3. The main problem with your site is consistency, each section is laid out differently so it takes away the professional feel.

Keep at and good luck. =)

You have already posted this site… a lot. Its small, messy, and you got suspended when you were working on it (i hear). [EDIT/ just forget about it]

well why is it so small make it bigger then u can design it better and have more content ur titles are way to massive and if ur growing with more members everyday y is there only 1. i was also kinda curious why when i clicked about us the background went a bit crazy but it doesnt do it on each page. if ur gonna do sumthing on one page do it on the others as well. nice colour scheme though nice a chilly looking

I would have to totally agree with electrongeek…

" 1) Since your layout is so small, your content appears so busy and messy.

  1. The titles for each section is too big so is your content text as well.

  2. The main problem with your site is consistency, each section is laid out differently so it takes away the professional feel. "

Personally i am not a fan of it but everybody is different and beauty is in the eye of the beholder etc…

I can’t understand the need for the image in between the transition from the home page to the about us section…looks messy…

The quote from about us that says “While viewing our webpage, don’t forget: WE OWN YOU!!” is not professional and made me just click on the close window button…


::::: AnOraK :::::

[unfriendly post]


subtle as a brick unflux…

::::: AnOraK :::::

uhh, what the hell!

why is everyone game beatin me.

first of all, i didnt get suspended, and i only posted this 2 times

second of all, i suck at flash so dont talk, i do flash in my spare time and concentrate more on my high school grades more than flash

third, the design was a sugestion from the people in my clan for me to make, so deal with it

this is just another reason not to come back to kirupa…

thanks :trout:

Sorry for blaming you of your suspension… but your site does need improvement, and if you ask for comments you will get some.


No one here is beating up on you, we’re all here to learn and help out each other. I’m sorry that you got offended, but I’m sure that wasn’t our intentions to offend you.

As for UNFLUX and Mike, I feel that their comments are a bit harsh this time.

UncleGuito - You’re right, and I apologize for being rude.

I honestly didn’t think too much about what I had said as being
overly harsh, but after reading your reply, and re-reading my post,
I 100% agree.

I removed my post because the last thing I want is to be known
as a rude person, or a reason anyone stops coming to Kirupa. I’m
here to help, not criticize, and I know that.

I hope you accept my apology.

i think the sites good. i prefer smaller than larger and you did it well.

the problems are as electrongeek said that you have too many little things going on, it seems like you’re just adding things to fill space.

ok, its ok

yeah if you ever read any of my previous posts, i mentioned that i suck at flash, so yeah.
also, i dont have much time to improve on it so this is the best i can do right now… ;(

klan for what? MechWarrior? keep working at it . . . you’ll get better and better . . .

i dont mean this to be mean Uncle at all, but didnt you post it to see how you could improve on it? see how we like it and what we think would make it better?