Do you think i should flash these up i have already started but i dont know if they are good enough for my website the 123 buttons have music applied to them and the blank one is the stop button havent finished it yet. Just wondering if i should make them my top & bottom tooldbars on my v.10 site layout.
the metal is not real convincing something about it is not right. and the font is rather large. but it is okay. I would work on that metal texture a lil bit.
*Originally posted by Soul * I think they’re cool, up to you though. At the end of the day, you’re the only one who makes the decision.
surely the point of him posting in here was to gauge other people’s opinions? muppet
I think they’re pretty cool - perhaps a bit big though? I’d like to see the toolbars if there were smaller
Originally posted by asphaltcowboy * surely the point of him posting in here was to gauge other people’s opinions? muppet
I’m gonna btch slap you!!! All I meant was we can’t be the ones to choose wether he should use it or not, thats up to him.