New site

hey how u doing?
i am a begginer in phototoshop and flash mx,but thanks to your site and a few other i got a bit better.
i am still woking on this site

could u give me your views on how it looks and wha should i do to make it better.

thank u

link doesn’t work for me…

me neither

i am sorry that tk hosting doesnt work that well.

the text on your loader is so small you have to soom in twice to see the text, the I-Frame shows the text indented quite a bit to the right. For a beginner it is fairly good, but the design would look a lot better if you removed a few pics from the page, it looks overcrowded, also the pipes running through two of the links on your nav is quite obstructing.

Apart from that the site seemed fine, and you show some developing skill in flash.

Good work.

thank u
yeah i know i got do some more work on my template.
thanks for the tip

whooaa, your site is a little ‘busy’

where do i begin… first of all, the content does not line up with the background image… There doesn’t seem to be a dominant color scheme, and there also appears to be to many fonts used… or atleast the default font (Times New Roman) needs to go… I think with some help, and a bit of sprucing up, this site could be much better…

everything is very patchy, there’s no consistent flow to the site. i would try to pick out like 3 colors that work well and stick with them. times new roman is real tough to pull off.

you have some good ideas, but they just don’t connect yet. decent start though.

I don’t like the way your IFrame is scrollable both horizontally and vertically! Drop the last mentioned. The borders on your page varies in size and alignment - and they’re way to blurry. But you’ll get there! Just needs some more work done!

thats means i got a lot of work to do

The top bar of your site looks like the site of a small concrete company who built their own site. The rest looks like a hack site.

Most of the major problems have already been pointed out but I noticed that you have terrible fonts. Go to and get some better ones. Also, get into Photoshop or Illustrator and create a nice logo for your site.
I wasn’t sure what was going on with your menu bar either. You should make it clearer and more contemporary. If you want I could create a SPEED Tutorials logo for you in Photoshop. I’m always on the lookout for fun stuff like that to do.

Anyways good luck with the site and I hope it turns out well.

yeah, i’d recommend using fireworks or photoshop to come up w/a layout that has a consistent color/font theme.

Here’s a header I came up with for your site. The colours are kind of like 2Advanced but the design is nowhere near. I thought the name, SPEED Tutorials would work in that font and it does. If you want the font it’s called Miniskip but I can’t remember where I got it from. Hope you like this and it inspires you to make a kickass site.

thank u thats is really cool banner.
yes u inspired to make a better site.
thank u

That’s cool man. Do you want the PSD to take it apart and use bits?



i dont mean to be rude (its gonna sound that way), but from what you have as a web site why should people be looking to you for tutorials? i have just glanced at the site but i wouldnt want what your selling (or giving away for free).

I used a tutorial I found on one of the sites speed links to to make the banner. The thing on the left is the result of a tutorial. Speed you should use those tutorials to create your site.

thanks alot flash gordon for the psd.

No problem.

Good start for a beginner.

Besides everyone elses comments I suggest using different music. The one you have now got annoying as soon as it started.:wink: