New site

Hi all, I’ve created this site in my spare time - I’ve just finished uni and have no previous experiance of flash or dreamweaver - I’d be very appreciative if people would let me know what they think of the site and ways of improving it

p.s be gentle its my first one :slight_smile:
The site

first off if someone goes easy on you cos it ur first time the chances of improvement are SLIM… so,

  1. Load Time, Took a while… work on it !
  2. Logo, top banner… boring, get some effects !
  3. Get some proper design !
  4. Untidy, work on your neatness
  5. Get some nice appealing fonts & colors
  6. Work on backgrounds needed
  7. Flash File: What is it??? a load of bricks ??? content needed

Basically for a first site its what ya gonna get, most people that start a first site turn out with (expection with the flash file) something extremly similiar to what you got, learn a bit more flash & HTML and how to design your webpage… i suggest for html help:

Instead of the green and white striped bg, do something else…even though your main color is green, ::experiment:: On your home page, the text at the bottom is cut off…the shirts are a lil tacky…my site for instance is mostly blue, however I have added some color to give it a lil contrast…
check this site out:

i really like the idea, i think the layout needs to be cleaner and more flowing. but keep working on it, that stuff comes with time