Hey there Kirupa member. If you could I would appreciate some comments on my new splash page. Good, bad, as long as its true. I’m working on my colors, lemme know what the colors are lookin like (good or bad) I tried to keep the colors down to a minimum, I think i’m getting better at colors now. And just over all likability. Thank you!
it looks ok… more clear than some of your earlier stuff
although imo it’s still a bit cluttered and unfocused - as a splash page, it’s usually intended to communicate about the site, and while your one does have the name, it also has lots of other symbols and things, which detract from the original purpose of the piece.
also, i’m not a fan of those diagonal lines that everyone seems to be using atm, but that’s just my opinion
As for the colours, it’s certainly different to what you normally see (doesn’t necessarily mean it’s bad) and i’d like to see what a whole site using this colour scheme would look like, i think it may be a bit too bright… but i dunno, i kinda like the cherryish colour
The first image on the left (person walking away) is siginifying “walking away from war”
the second set of symbols represents our homeland (animal life, human life, and love)
and the money coming down beneath the airplanes signifies us wasting money going to war, (dropping bombs = waste of money)
anyway, if this makes it any better?!
hehe, thank you.
iLikePie, thank you for your feedback. Yea that would be interesting seeing a whole site in the same scheme! hmmmmmmm:sure:
Ok here you go: In all honestly, I hate splash pages. Usually it means one giant image that represents nothing more than an “Enter” button. That’s not bandwidth-friendly and it’s very annoying C:-)
EYYYEEEEEEEE, JEEZ. Ok I never word these posts right…so from now on I’m going to be more clear. I really just wanted to know how the image looked. Lets pretend its not a splash page…just an image done in photoshop when I was bored. <:}
*Originally posted by Cynegenica *
**I like it. Looks great. But could you have chosens a better subject? everyone is doing this one right now… hehe **
Oh you don’t know how right you are. Actually I never set out to make it about that. It just ended up like that. Yea, I do admit, very trendy
oh k, I messed w/ this last night. Lemme know how it looks now. Keeping in mind, Its not a splash page…just something I was working on in photoshop:cool:
I wouldn’t notice it normally (my comp is 1024x768), but I’m on an 800x600 comp right now, and I’ll be ****ed if I go to a site and I scroll just to see a splash.