Here are three splash pages I made for my site Urban Echo Design using Photoshop.
The first is the quickest loading but the simplest and the third one is the slowest loading but the fanciest. The third is not shown at full quality as it is too big a file. Tell me which one I should use.
Thanx man. Yeah #2 is pretty cool. Looks like some kinda fiery explosion. It actually rminds me of the podracing scene in Star Wars The Phantom Menace.
Number two looks like a deal I made back in the Geocities days that I put in for a Medal of Honor website. Not saying it’s bad(not at all), just sayin that’s what it reminds me of.
Thanks topcatyo. Yeah I made them all. I updated the vote counting post. (See above)
Here’s another one I made which is pretty different from the first three. I like it but I’m not sure it’s as good as the others.
Hm…Touch choice…I really like four, but its just a tad too simple. Perhaps add a bit to it. I also really like the third one. It’s real groovy. Lol. But 4 really has potential.