Made this new splash screen in a hurry at school…
any good?
Maybe I’ll base the site on it… maybe… or redo the whole thing… (again)…
Made this new splash screen in a hurry at school…
any good?
Maybe I’ll base the site on it… maybe… or redo the whole thing… (again)…
a lot!!
:A+:, man.
:A+: :A+: :A+: :A+: :A+: :A+: :A+: :A+:
KEWL! I like it a lot!
its very nice… i like the colours
Yep, its awesome dude. The colors are great
*Originally posted by lostinbeta *
Yep, its awesome dude. The colors are great **
Whoa :o
Positive feedback!?
waaaiiitt… Are u guys humouring me…?
I like it! Looks great…professional and all that… I like the b-fly in it too…looks good.
b-fly? wut’s that?
Eilsoe smacks himself with a large trout
now WHEN is that footer contest coming??? I’m all itchy… :crazy:
sweeet!~ you see how its currently offline, well when its online are you going to make it it connect and slide together using a flash? it seems wierd to me its sitting just like that…maybe i don’t have an artists vision, i don’t see the big deals in The Mona Lisa either
Great stuff, and…
are you going to make it it connect and slide together using a flash?
Nifty idea, maybe you should try it.
*Originally posted by MakaVeli_Da_DoN *
**i don’t see the big deals in The Mona Lisa either **
I am not sure about that either. I did see a thing on the discovery channel (i think that was it) where they said the Mona Lisa was actually a female self portrait of himself. I guess that is kind of interesting.
your right its kinda disgustingly interesting, like an car accident where you canT look away only in this case the accident it worth billions of $$$$
a female self portrait of himself. <------ lol! Try making your own ‘female self portrait’! lol
LOL. Seriously though, they said it on some special about famous paintings.
The Mona Lisa is full of classic composition…
It, at once, embodies questions, answers, and causes you to phil-osophize…
That is a great piece of art…
i don’t see any of that in the picture …this reminds me of Mr Bean the movie…anyone seen that? and notice how this thread is so off topic again
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