thats my new splash page i made… tell me what you think…
pretty nifty. I like the colors!
However, it’s the same ol’ thing as tons of other sites have. Some
weird, abstract 3-d image faded to the page bg color with an
overlay of some sort.
Maybe try to come up with something a bit more original, but it is
really good anyway.
good luck with the rest of it.
Its really neat !
Sure would love to see ur Site once done … looking forward to that …
I agree with the first guy. Are you a leader or a follower? You are very good at doing the mainstream stuff… so why not try somthing of your own?
Just a thought. Sorry if it sounds too harsh.
thems the breaks…
well, i like it, there maybe a lot of similar things out there, but then there are only so many possibilities. did you know there are only 7 major movie scenarios out there? so, all in all i like it, i think it’s artistic and when you make a flash movie that can reflect my cheery face and office background, THEN I will be impressed . . . (not at my reflection, but at originality)
I dont agree with the above. I am not trying to be harsh… but from a graphic designers point of view that would be such a cop out. I would give up my job (along with reason to live) and become an accountant.
The world has endless possibilities. And so does design and the web. If he had never seen an abstract 3D tech digital image, would his splash page have looked the same. What if he had made it 5 years ago? What if it was 5 years in the future?
Please, I think we should just sit down and think for ourselves a little bit more and conceptualize…
well, possibilities may be fairly endless, but we do have the constraints of the tools we have and the medium we are working. i’m not saying that there are only “7” possibilities (there are really only seven storylines, but the nuances make the differences).
same ol’ thing as tons of other sites have. Some
weird, abstract 3-d image faded to the page bg color with an
the Mona Lisa is just some the same ol’ canvas, gesso and oil paint. hell, he probably traced it off a projection according to theory (that’s why a lot of the masters’ works depicts left handed people). still a well-respected piece though
so i think his artwork is fine and it looks like many others, but that’s because the people that frequent these forums see alot of the similar style (sort of like when in grad school, it seems like the whole world must have advanced degrees)
so let’s all say “Long Live the Queen!” since she is on our money
here’s another same ol’ thing:
well i love the input…
heres my theory…
think about this…
if there was no trends or anything like that how could you say something looked good? you have no comparison… and anyway in this world if you do something and you think it has never been done before it has been done… i mean theres like what 3 billion people on this planet probably at least a million + are web designers so even with web designing… its all been done…
the reason i chose to make this splash was because my site has a faint showing of a piece of the same image in it and i though i might make my splash page a kinda matching one… so i made that…
in closing … im a sucker for abstract 3d…
im so proud my splash started an argument! hell yeah :beam:
Actually it’s ok… I like the 3D stuff there, I often see that abstract thingy… but most of them are sucks… yours is good, the colors and everything are perfectly match.
don’t worry about any comments you have received… if you feel that’s good for your website… do it… never look back… I was once in your position, and I was really hesitate… that is something that will make you can’t concentrate on developing the style for a very long time.
don’t worry about making your own style… you will someday!
design is all about visual…
and it doesnt has anything to do with being a leader or a follower… even a follower could be a leader someday and vice versa…
it’s all about practising and developing your skill.
if the time is right… you will create your own style one day!
Okay okay…
I can see everyones points here. I believe that he has done a very good job on his splash page and that maybe this is an indication that its time for him to take the next step and “conceptualize” rather than doing somthing purely to apease aesthetic trends.
I agree that trends are a legitimate base to design from, however, there comes a time when people have to do a little more with there work or else it can become stale and old very quickly.
I guess Im just cracking becuase Ive have just seen too many of those abstract 3D pictures with no reason for mass production from the masses. Maybe you could use this whole fascination with these abstract pictures to try and take them further than they have allready gone. Twist them or manipulate them differently. Maybe even try adding a PERSONAL touch. Somthing unique, your own, somthing that makes it different.
anyway, I wouldnt call this an argument. Just a disscussion, and a healthy disscussion at that.
Hears some cool stuff to look at that might be a bit different if you need inspiration.
click here
and here
and maybe even a bit of this
oh yea… sorry about the capeesh. Just thought it sounded funny. I love that word.:crazy:
don’t worry about capeesh, i’m just razzled and tired, oh, and I’m french canadian, so I’m torn in my loyalty to the Queen and my persecuted french heritage, so boohoo for me and i’ll send all an invitation to my pity party . . .
all-in-all, this is a good discussion; how do you define good? certainly alot has to do with fashion. i’m an old fart (40) and was in high school in the late '70’s. After bell bottoms but during that time when jeans got really wide legs from the crotch down. boy, did i think girls looked hot in that! now, those jeans should be coming back in style in the next year or two and yuch! what were we thinking? next will be tube tops (not bad on the right person, but i digress to my chauvanistic nature instilled by the western culture) . . . long live Britney!
oops, i forgot why i answered, those are pretty neat links. thanks.
good discussion indeed 8]
wow. im glad im only 15 … freshmen in highschool :beam: after waiting 10 years now the fun starts!
it cant get any better than that.
[you don’t have to read this, really.]
just to be sure I clarify…
I never said it was bad or that it wasn’t worth the time to make.
I just like to see originality, and new ideas. If nothing else, a
personal twist on the popular trends you mentioned.
that’s all…nothing more. I think it really is good, and will make a
nice splash page for your site. I hope it turns out well, and i can’t
wait to see it.
Just remember that when you come to a public forum and ask for
everyone’s opinion, you tend to get just that. Where you take
those opinions and criticism is up to you. I generally refocus that
into positive energy and get inspired by it, saying that it’s just not
as good as i thought, so let’s improve. I use it as motivation, not
to start an argument.
No, this was not an argument, but he wanted feedback on his
splash, not discussions amongst ourselves as to why we said
what we said.
[whew!] anyway…keep it up, and let us know when your site’s
ready! I seriously am stoked to see it.