New to Actionscript...Rollover button problems!

I started learning flash a couple few years ago before AS3 was released, and just learned the very basics of actionscript…Recently I’ve been trying to teach myself as much as possible, and have gotten pretty comfortable with animating but while building my website I’ve been running into a lot of scripting problems, as I’m also trying to teach myself AS3…

What I’m trying to do is a rollover menu…the menu buttons are bars that animate on, and then when they come to their resting place, I want to be able to rollOver them and have them slide up, and then back down on the rollOut.

I’m not sure what the easiest way to achieve this is, but I was thinking of just using AS to go to a further frame in the timeline on the rollOver and animate from there, and then have it rewind to the beginning of just that sequence and not rewind the entire animation of the menu coming onto the stage for the rollOut.

Hopefully I’ve explained this so that it makes sense. Like I said, I’m basically completely new to actionscript, esp. AS3. Any help is greatly appreciated, my brain is fried and I feel like this is so simple lol.
