love it if you hate it i will eat your toes! :azn:
lol narh only messing i will have your fingers insted :liar:
yeah im not sure on the splash i think i need summit that says CLICK HERE! but i dunno ( you have to click the middle of the tech circle to enter if your wondering)
yeah and in the site its self are all the links working within the text boxes ect because my mate says there not and nither are the thumb nails but hes also being an arse saying the thumb nails are a movie so i dunno if hes messing me or being legit so help me b4 i slaughter him RWAR! :goatee: oh yeah font what font is it i tryed to embed my fonts but my mate is slightly dumb and dosnt know a serif font from a sans serfi font RWAR! :goatee: okay but thanks for any feedback and problems solving you guys can help me with.
edit} forgot to add about preloaders i aint got any on them at the mo but will work on getting some in when i figaure out summit kool i just wanted to get the main bit up for you guys to rip apart and give me lovely CnC thanks l8ers