well i fancyed doing my site up again ive been realy lazy and its bin down for a few months but ne ways this is the sorta thing im going for so any feedback or ideaâs please seen as theres a big white spot.
i dont no if im gonna use a tall page and have that top center? or just have that and maybe do flash scroll text box or iframe? wat you think?
i think you could improve the âPhoenixFaithCreationsâ-Text a little, itâs balanced and perfectly legible, but as an element of the whole design, it looks too simple to me.
iframe or flash: well, if you donât use more flash on the page, i guess iframes would be better, since it doesnât take a plug-in to watch themâŚ
futura, (as i said before ;)) ,the downside of it is that it is, or at least used to be, one of the 10 most used fonts in print adsâŚ
this one is the futura from adobeâs font folio 9.0
since you like it, you might wanna take a look at the font myriad pro too, it has a quite similar business feel and is more legible in larger amounts of text, which makes it more versatile for web layouts
Hey you know that sound you have for your buttons, where did you get it. I like it alot and I was wondering if I could use it in a movie I am making.
i get my sounds from flashkit.com âClick_18-Partners-80â thats the one. well thats the file name shud be same as the download name right? if not poop.
since youâre using a .tk domain, it loads your site in a frame. look at the source, and youâll see. I think it messes up the pathing from flash. Iâve seen this happen with .tk domains before. Unfortunately, all the advice I can offer is to get a real host and domain.
.tk domains are not what they seem to be desire. Yes it was free from ads before but now it has built in ads. Its not even a domain anyway, a redirection. If you cant get a real host atm, these hosts would be better for you:
If you do got dough:
XeroHosting - www.xerohosting.com ($2.50/m for 500mbâŚetc) or you could even get sponsored by Unflux from your great work and get a domain
btw the site loads but not the links as said already. Improvements can be made to the site however. Watch your text with regards to the background, the font and especially your spelling and grammar because I notice that in some spots.