New work

It is for a contest ant Check the site out


reminds me of a osbournes episode where jack gets excited about the mc.rib.

ok too many osbournes refrences for one day.

haha funny, but the lighting on the guy with the gun is a bit off, he seems a bit pale too. =)

lol the guy does kinda look like a ghost but other than that its funny! that site is so good!

All I see is a overstuffed toilet :-\

U made that sintax? ewww… ;(

LOL… hehehehehe.

whoops :slight_smile:

guess I should’ve let the pic load :stuck_out_tongue:

I just clicked the link :stuck_out_tongue:

eilsoe: That is too funny. I did make that messy Port a Potty. jk

EG: Ya i know the lighting is off. It was jus ta quick job becasue i was bored at work, so I really wasn’t going for a master

[SIZE=1]*edit: typo’s 'n spelling booboos fixed by eilsoe [/SIZE]


You know I can’t help myself sometimes…