Newb to Flash MX and to this Forum

Hello. Ok here it is. I’m having problems importing images from photoshop 7 into flash mx and keeping the quality of the image. It makes me wonder how sites like obviously use photoshop to draw their boarders but why haven’t they lost their quality? I have been saving images as .png so that i can maintain transparencies. Is there a better way. Is there some sort of trick. Are they using some sort of medium like after affects to import into first then make a swf file there. I have no idea and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Softie :q:

not being familiar with photoshop all i can suggest is maybe save them as jpeg then import them into flash and use the quality actioncript its something like quality_=high

dont hold me to it its a guess if u have actionscript in normal mode and find quality right click on it and it will have a description it will show u how to use it there

when u export it put jpeg quality up to 100

hope its a help
maybe try in the photoshop forum


… yeah how do they get it so neatly layered hmmmmmmmmmmmm… good point i would like to know this too