Your idea about a resource for designers i like a lot…
what about a resource not only for current designers but younger people who want to get into a career in design or designers who want to learn more about different media…
i mean, im an industrial designer but that crosses over into flash and graphics…even interaction.
somewhere that had links to the best university courses, interviews with designers, details of core skills, the top companies/consultancies…
where people could post how they got where they are etc… a way of making contacts not only in web design but several areas…
i am at the royal college of art and i know i could perusade some of my vehicle/ fashion/ interaction/ graphics friends to contribute…
it could let people know about events in the UK, shows and exhibtions…
ive been toying with the idea for a while, but i have to say id be more on the contacts\ information sourcing side than the flash… my time is fairly limited at the mo…
i had a hard time finding my way to where i am now because our disciplines arent that well catered for by school career services… we could have stab at changing that…
yeh nice idea. I like to think i am good at the coding side of things not graphically i’m preety good my imagination is very poor. As for the events etc, I had planned to incorporate that anyway, also seens as though i will be attending uni this summer to do computer science the site will no doubt feature java tutes at some stage and give out uni details.
I likes Billystar and MrG’s idea. I like to think I have a good imagination and I have a lot of ideas my abilities don’t allow me to create. My coding is basically ‘on(Release) {gotoAndPlay (1)}’
I would like to take Keljnr’s idea of starting up a website and Billy and MrG’s idea for the resource, combine them, and add to them. We (us 4 and anyone else who wants to help out) should make a site for young designers like myself who want to get into the web/graphic design business. It could have articles on the industry (How it works and all that jazz), inspirational sites, tips and tricks, tutorials, advice for beginners and most importantly a forum.