Newbie website project

Your idea about a resource for designers i like a lot…

what about a resource not only for current designers but younger people who want to get into a career in design or designers who want to learn more about different media…

i mean, im an industrial designer but that crosses over into flash and graphics…even interaction.

somewhere that had links to the best university courses, interviews with designers, details of core skills, the top companies/consultancies…

where people could post how they got where they are etc… a way of making contacts not only in web design but several areas…

i am at the royal college of art and i know i could perusade some of my vehicle/ fashion/ interaction/ graphics friends to contribute…

it could let people know about events in the UK, shows and exhibtions…

ive been toying with the idea for a while, but i have to say id be more on the contacts\ information sourcing side than the flash… my time is fairly limited at the mo…

i had a hard time finding my way to where i am now because our disciplines arent that well catered for by school career services… we could have stab at changing that…

tell me what you think?

yeh nice idea. I like to think i am good at the coding side of things not graphically i’m preety good my imagination is very poor. As for the events etc, I had planned to incorporate that anyway, also seens as though i will be attending uni this summer to do computer science the site will no doubt feature java tutes at some stage and give out uni details.

There is not enough information about getting into graphic or web design…

When i left school, i told the career adviser that i wanted ta work in the web/graphic industry…and they recomended me to do a IT course!

Im startin a HNC graphic course this september…but it took me quite a bit of time finding the “perfect” course with my qualifications.

Bob’on idea me thinks!!

I likes Billystar and MrG’s idea. I like to think I have a good imagination and I have a lot of ideas my abilities don’t allow me to create. My coding is basically ‘on(Release) {gotoAndPlay (1)}’

I would like to take Keljnr’s idea of starting up a website and Billy and MrG’s idea for the resource, combine them, and add to them. We (us 4 and anyone else who wants to help out) should make a site for young designers like myself who want to get into the web/graphic design business. It could have articles on the industry (How it works and all that jazz), inspirational sites, tips and tricks, tutorials, advice for beginners and most importantly a forum.

What do you think?

If you peeps have AIM we can talk there.
Add me: paddydukedesign

Hey dere Missa, Missa G sah! I done gone did ya up some logos fer that there site yous is building. Take yaselfs a little peek.

sounds top!
My coding skills are as good as yours flash gordon…but i have a keen eye for ideas, and im pretty good with the graphics side.

my aim is:

My aim is my name here.

Krilnon :stuck_out_tongue:

This could be really cool.

Hopefully more productive than DevArmy. (

That was a collab between like 7 of some the top flash developers I’ve seen. I don’t think it ever got off of the ground though…

wow this sounds cool
can i help, well i am a newbie in both flash and photoshop.

Hey speed. Sure you can help. I think. Hang on.

lol flash

I have no problem with it.

:thumb: Yeah you can help too. Do you have AIM?

I only see Yahoo! in his profile.

sorry no aim
yahoo and msn

Good thing I still have Trillian installed…

this seems ta be really taking off…,
is there somewhere we can create a private chatroom so we can discuss things further??

ok i am using trillian too